Friday, March 14, 2008
NARET' V. UCBR (2004) DOCKET NO. 1742 CD 2004
CASE DOCKET NO. 1742 CD 2004
NARET' V. UCBR (2004) NO. 1742 CD 2004 (CONT'D)
(The reply number will correspond to the response line it is replying to as much as possible)
1. The Unemployment Compensation Board of Review (hereafter referred to as the UCBR) filed this 11/24/04 Motion to Dismiss as a response to the 11/8/04 9 page Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice and 7page Addendum, filed by the appellant (petitioner). The arguments and legal citings in the appellant's combined 16 page Motion, with its Addendum, presented undebatable evidence that conduct and procedure were repeatedly in error in this case, since the initial filing of an appeal against the decision of eligibility, made by the Department of Unemployment Compensation. Their initial, correct decision was based on the fact that the employer denied willful misconduct on the initial fact-finding inquiry and repeated that denial, in the dialog of the transcripts, as specified in the appellants Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice/plus Addendum. They were essentially appealing the initial employer's own testimony or to clarify, disputing with themselves, which once testified, cannot be revoked or appealed by the party that testified, and definitely should not be given a scheduled appeal hearing date, because that would unacceptably inflate the hearings calendar.
2. On July 21, 2004, the UCBR defaulted procedure by adopting the illegal decision, by the referee. It is illegal to deny UC Benefits, where the employer failed to prove willful misconduct, and clearly stated, in the transcripts, that the ALLEGED offense was a Category II, which is the "LESS SERIOUS" Category.
3. On October 8, appellant met the timely deadline of October 12, 2004, for filing brief, in spite of the UCBR's failure to respond with a timely submittal of all hearing records. Brief was hand-written.
4. On October 12, 2004, the prothonotary's office rejected the brief, for form, and set a new deadline of November 12, 2004. Appellant made every effort to encourage expedition of the forwarding of requested records but had only a portion of them forwarded on October 26, 2004, through the kind intervention of Gerard Mackarevich, Deputy Chief Counsel for the UCBR. On November 3, 2003, a 4 th written request demanding the complete record, including " documents #1 through #31", that were mentioned on page 2 of the transcripts. None of the documents were forwarded even to date. Appellant then had no alternative but to file a timely 9page Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice plus a 7 page Addendum to the Motion on November 8, 2004, due to lack of UCBR'S cooperation in forwarding all records. This also nullified the new deadline of November 12, 2004 for filing a brief, according to the FEDERAL Rules of Appellate Procedure on Motion to Remand: "The motion shall be filed prior to the filing of the appellant's brief." - Rule 23B Section (A) paragraph 2. And may I also cite Rule 23B Section (D), "Oral argument and the deadline for brief shall be VACATED upon the filing of a Motion to Remand under this rule.".
It has frequently become apparent that the UCBR operates under a misconception of the extent of their own autonomy, in policymaking, as well as policy following, that has often revealed them to be non-compliant to the superior policies and authorities of the laws, policies and procedures of the Commonwealth Court, The UC Laws and the Federal Superior Court Procedures, THAT THEY ARE ALSO SUBORDINATE TO, in their UPWARD ASSIGNING OF APPELLANT DISPUTES. These higher authorities cannot and will not abide by the non-compliant policymaking practices of the UCBR, WHERE DUE PROCESS WOULD BE VIOLATED IF NON-COMPLIANT UCBR POLICIES WERE PERMITTED TO OVER-RIDE THE HIGHER AUTHORITIES THAT HOLD SUPREMANCY OVER THEIR DEPARTMENT.
5. The UCBR, on Item #5 of their Motion to dismiss, incorrectly implies that the appellant has not complied with proper requirements of Chapter 21 of the Pa Rules of Appellate Procedure. The fact is, the appellant was exactly correct in timely functions and form, and the UCBR has attempted to persuade this court to overlook the filing of the combined 16 page Motion to Reverse, with all of its defaults documented, and its vacating of the brief deadline.
Therefore it is the UCBR who is not complying, due to their inappropriate filing for a Motion to Dismiss the Petitioner's Appeal instead of complying with the procedure of response to the Motion to Remand;
"A response shall be filed within 20 days after the motion is filed. The response shall include a proposed order of remand that identifies the ineffectiveness claims and specifies the factual issues relevant to EACH such claim to be addressed by the trial court in the event Remand is granted, unless the responding party accepts that proposed by the moving party. Any reply shall be filed within 10 days after the response is filed." – Rule 23B Section (B) Paragraph 2.
6. UCBR: " On October 25, 2004, Petitioner requested the Board forward the hearing transcript of the employer's testimony from the hearing of April 21, 2004."
REPLY: Prior to the July 21, 2004 decision, by the UCBR, a telephone request for records was made. On July 29, 2004 a written request for ALL RECORDS was delivered and no response was received. By the deadline of October 12, 2004, Brief had to be submitted and compiled without the full record of the hearing, which was imperative to its efficient completion. This is a serious default, as cited, with references, in the Appellants Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice/ Plus Addendum. On October 25, 2004, Appellant submitted the THIRD not FIRST request for all records.
7. On October 26, 2004, a prompt response was made to the third request by, Gerard Mackarevich, Deputy Chief Counsel, as stated in reply item #4 of this document, but he only forwarded a copy of the transcript and 1 exhibit of the employer (the only exhibit of the employer, according to the transcript.) On page 2 of the transcript was dialog referring to documents #1 through #31 being entered into the record. Discussion of this was expanded in the appellants Motion to Reverse. None of these documents were ever forwarded and they held significance because they were already present, in the file, before the employer arrived and were not delivered by her, quoted from or mentioned by her during her testimony, as evidenced in the transcripts.
On November 3, 2004 a FOURTH request was submitted to the UCBR, with a time is of the essence status, pending the November 12, 2004 deadline for brief. NONE was received. UCBR DEFAULTED, again, in neglecting to make a timely response to requests for ALL RECORDS.
8. UCBR: "ON or about November 12, 2004, Petitioner filed a Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice (Motion) with this court, purportedly requesting a remand or reversal due to lack of timely release of records that are imperative to the preparation of her brief."
REPLY: The FACT is; on November 8, 2004, NOT November 12, 2004, appellant had still received NO RESPONSE to the FOURTH request for ALL RECORDS. This was not a "purported" default but a serious obstruction to the efficient preparation of brief. The absence of a timely response, for the forwarding of the required documents, prompted the November 8, 2004, filing of the 9 page Motion of Remand or Reversal with Prejudice.
On November 10, 2004, appellant also filed a 7 page Addendum to that motion, providing a combined total of a 16 page Motion that revealed a wider view of the tragedy and proportionate number of victims that are being made homeless and losing entire households of possessions and property, due to these procedural spans, defaults and delays. If appeals are not resolved and UC Funds delivered to the claimants within 30 days, the claimant is vulnerable to an eviction on rental property, and if not resolved and delivered within 90 days, to a home-owner, they are facing mortgage foreclosure.
The staff of UCBR, as well as this honorable court must open their eyes; to the massive crisis the UCBR is creating by erroneously and illegally denying UC Benefits. By the UCBR'S own admission, they deny 100 to 200 appeals PER DAY.
That's 24,000 to 48,000 victims PER YEAR, that they are responsible for, by imposing on them, the vulnerability of having their only source of income cut off and becoming homeless!
The UCBR has not been complying with the purpose it was created for. It is responsible to; investigate, correct and resolve errors as quickly as possible by using all the non-prejudice evaluating processes, that are fair and just and legal according to all Federal Civil Rights Laws, Pa State Laws, UC Department Laws, and UCBR Tribunal policies, that are recognized as acceptable within their own department, as well as beyond themselves, to the superior authorities, that they are also obligated to be compliant with, in their policymaking and practices.
The referees are over-burdened with appeals from employers who are hiring profit service-contract companies to appeal EVERY single ELIGIBLE Determination. These companies MUST be removed from the arena, as they have no association as legal counsel or acceptable witnesses who can present testimony or evidence. I expounded on this, in more detail, in the Motion to Reverse. I sympathize with the staff of the UC Department, including the referees and the Tribunal. But the over-load they are burdened with, they have created themselves, by giving hearing scheduling to frivolous appeals that are being made, in order that the employer can avoid payment as required, to the State UC Fund. These problems cannot be resolved by prejudicing the claimants, by denying benefits, where no willful misconduct has been claimed by the employer in the initial fact-finding inquiry, just to expedite the over-load of cases out the door, where it was not the fault of the claimant that they were over-loaded and where the staff from the UC Department already determined them as ELIGIBLE. Why would they schedule a hearing for an appeal where the employer already denied willful misconduct in the initial fact-finding inquiry? They shoot themselves in the foot and create the over-load by permitting the unpermittable. The employer cannot waste the referee's time or put the UC Benefits of the claimant in question for the purpose of appealing his own initial testimony.
If the UCBR developed non-prejudice policies and procedure, supervised and followed-up on the decisions of the referees, the caseload of error, coming to them, would be drastically reduced, just by having the referee abide by the non-prejudice policies that must conform to the right of due process and the right to a fair hearing.
Their reluctance to grant continuances, to avail claimants the fair opportunity to completely voice all their testimony and present evidence, is causing the incompleteness that results in upward assigning and continuance, where the claimants are not receiving due process from the referee decisions. They CANNOT refuse continuances to claimants because too many employers have jammed their calendar with frivolous appeals. They pacify the request of the employer but not the claimant. This is clearly prejudice. They are devaluating the claimant and minimalizing the importance of their Civil Rights, their Right to a Fair Hearing and the importance and relevance of their testimony.
10. UCBR: (these statements are a perfect example, of the practice, of shoving the priorities and defaults under the rug and attempting to slide the testimony, of the claimant, out the door before anyone chances to hear or pay attention to them) Quote item # 10 in portions; " To the extent the court considers Petitioner's Motion and Addendum to be her amended Brief, these lack a statement of the scope of review and standard of review, statement of the questions involved, summary of argument, argument and conclusion…. Wherefore , Petitioner, having failed to comply with this court's order, dated October 12, 2004, to file an amended Brief…… and the petitioner's Motion and Addendum being non-responsive ….(???)…..Respondent moves that your honorable Court dismiss Petitioner's appeal…..Wherefore, petitioner, having failed to state grounds upon which relief can be granted……. (???)….and Respondent, having complied with the Petitioner's request for a copy of the referee's hearing transcripts of April 21, 2004, Respondent moves that your honorable Court deny Petitioner's Motion and Addendum…..".
REPLY: the UCBR has clearly resorted to false statements, incorrect information and non-compliance with procedure. Also, in the attempt to over-step and erase the defaults proven in the appellant's Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice/ plus Addendum, Respondent has failed to give any viable explaination or retort to several documented issues, including the employers initial fact-finding statements and their transcribed hearing testimony, that willful misconduct was NOT the reason for termination, the missing 34 page letter of request for reconsideration that was not appended to the record and possibly more missing material of testimony, presented by the appellant, or they would not consider that these blatent false statements could be found believable if ALL the evidence and testimony are available for evaluation. "Wherefore, Petitioner, having failed to state grounds upon which relief can be granted….." Where are the pages listing all this material if this Respondent believes they have not been presented? It is obviously a rouse to avoid admitting that serious mistakes were made and Immediate Reversal of their Illegal Decisions can be the only recourse possible for this Honorable Court to proceed with, having in its philosophies founded on a more ethical standard of practices than these being resorted to by the Respondent. Therefore, the Appellant moves that this honorable and ethical Court deny the Respondents Motion to Dismiss the Petitioner's Appeal, and further moves that the Appellant be granted an immediate reversal of all decisions that denied UC Benefits with prejudice.
In conclusion, UCBR counsel, having the disadvantage of arriving late in these proceedings, and to be liberal, may not have been privy to the entire record of testimony and the chronology of evidence presented by the Appellant, is unfortunately lacking an awareness and insight of the urgency of the need for immediate Reversal and disbursement of UC Funds to legally ELIGIBLE claimants. Please review the list of 17 personal tragedies that are suffered within 30 days of a referee's denial, listed on page 6 of the Appellants Motion to Reverse.
This is not a time to "save face", but an opportunity to "man up" and admit honorably that errors have been discovered, many victims have been left homeless, many lives are being destroyed by these merry-go-round delay tactics and policies. Yes, the claimants do eventually go away and leave you alone. They are forced to leave the state, those who survive alive. But these were never the stereotypical images you are holding of hoboes who are too lazy to work. These are people who have worked hard all their lives. Some have degrees, own their own homes and serve on community boards. These are people who were employed full-time, very recently. But in an alarming number of cases, they have been unjustly severed from the workplace through a common practice of deception, slander and framing innocent employees in order to dishonestly lay the groundwork for false statements of "just cause" for termination in order that the employer might avoid UC Benefits payments. These are people who have even been more adept and efficient at doing their job than their supervisors and were viewed as a threat. Therefore the groundwork is laid down to get rid of them "with just cause".
They never deserved to loose their jobs, and now you impose on them homelessness, starvation, banishment and possibly death.
Read my lips. A State, a city, a country cannot survive the budgets required when there are no citizens paying taxes or having consumable income. Everyone and everything is affected by negative, unethical, uncaring, uncompromising policies and practices that would obstruct consumable incomes to the citizens. These are good people being abused.
Thank you,
Dawn Naret'
Current Contact Info:
P.O. Box 2315 Pittsburgh, Pa 15230-2315
(Old Original Contact Info-see below):
Dawn Naret'
P.O. Box 643
Lancaster, Pa. 17608 (no phone anymore – dependant on free Library computer access)
CASE DOCKET NO. 1742 CD 2004
NARET' V. UCBR (2004) NO. 1742 CD 2004 (CONT'D)
(The reply number will correspond to the response line it is replying to as much as possible)
1. The Unemployment Compensation Board of Review (hereafter referred to as the UCBR) filed this 11/24/04 Motion to Dismiss as a response to the 11/8/04 9 page Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice and 7page Addendum, filed by the appellant (petitioner). The arguments and legal citings in the appellant's combined 16 page Motion, with its Addendum, presented undebatable evidence that conduct and procedure were repeatedly in error in this case, since the initial filing of an appeal against the decision of eligibility, made by the Department of Unemployment Compensation. Their initial, correct decision was based on the fact that the employer denied willful misconduct on the initial fact-finding inquiry and repeated that denial, in the dialog of the transcripts, as specified in the appellants Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice/plus Addendum. They were essentially appealing the initial employer's own testimony or to clarify, disputing with themselves, which once testified, cannot be revoked or appealed by the party that testified, and definitely should not be given a scheduled appeal hearing date, because that would unacceptably inflate the hearings calendar.
2. On July 21, 2004, the UCBR defaulted procedure by adopting the illegal decision, by the referee. It is illegal to deny UC Benefits, where the employer failed to prove willful misconduct, and clearly stated, in the transcripts, that the ALLEGED offense was a Category II, which is the "LESS SERIOUS" Category.
3. On October 8, appellant met the timely deadline of October 12, 2004, for filing brief, in spite of the UCBR's failure to respond with a timely submittal of all hearing records. Brief was hand-written.
4. On October 12, 2004, the prothonotary's office rejected the brief, for form, and set a new deadline of November 12, 2004. Appellant made every effort to encourage expedition of the forwarding of requested records but had only a portion of them forwarded on October 26, 2004, through the kind intervention of Gerard Mackarevich, Deputy Chief Counsel for the UCBR. On November 3, 2003, a 4 th written request demanding the complete record, including " documents #1 through #31", that were mentioned on page 2 of the transcripts. None of the documents were forwarded even to date. Appellant then had no alternative but to file a timely 9page Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice plus a 7 page Addendum to the Motion on November 8, 2004, due to lack of UCBR'S cooperation in forwarding all records. This also nullified the new deadline of November 12, 2004 for filing a brief, according to the FEDERAL Rules of Appellate Procedure on Motion to Remand: "The motion shall be filed prior to the filing of the appellant's brief." - Rule 23B Section (A) paragraph 2. And may I also cite Rule 23B Section (D), "Oral argument and the deadline for brief shall be VACATED upon the filing of a Motion to Remand under this rule.".
It has frequently become apparent that the UCBR operates under a misconception of the extent of their own autonomy, in policymaking, as well as policy following, that has often revealed them to be non-compliant to the superior policies and authorities of the laws, policies and procedures of the Commonwealth Court, The UC Laws and the Federal Superior Court Procedures, THAT THEY ARE ALSO SUBORDINATE TO, in their UPWARD ASSIGNING OF APPELLANT DISPUTES. These higher authorities cannot and will not abide by the non-compliant policymaking practices of the UCBR, WHERE DUE PROCESS WOULD BE VIOLATED IF NON-COMPLIANT UCBR POLICIES WERE PERMITTED TO OVER-RIDE THE HIGHER AUTHORITIES THAT HOLD SUPREMANCY OVER THEIR DEPARTMENT.
5. The UCBR, on Item #5 of their Motion to dismiss, incorrectly implies that the appellant has not complied with proper requirements of Chapter 21 of the Pa Rules of Appellate Procedure. The fact is, the appellant was exactly correct in timely functions and form, and the UCBR has attempted to persuade this court to overlook the filing of the combined 16 page Motion to Reverse, with all of its defaults documented, and its vacating of the brief deadline.
Therefore it is the UCBR who is not complying, due to their inappropriate filing for a Motion to Dismiss the Petitioner's Appeal instead of complying with the procedure of response to the Motion to Remand;
"A response shall be filed within 20 days after the motion is filed. The response shall include a proposed order of remand that identifies the ineffectiveness claims and specifies the factual issues relevant to EACH such claim to be addressed by the trial court in the event Remand is granted, unless the responding party accepts that proposed by the moving party. Any reply shall be filed within 10 days after the response is filed." – Rule 23B Section (B) Paragraph 2.
6. UCBR: " On October 25, 2004, Petitioner requested the Board forward the hearing transcript of the employer's testimony from the hearing of April 21, 2004."
REPLY: Prior to the July 21, 2004 decision, by the UCBR, a telephone request for records was made. On July 29, 2004 a written request for ALL RECORDS was delivered and no response was received. By the deadline of October 12, 2004, Brief had to be submitted and compiled without the full record of the hearing, which was imperative to its efficient completion. This is a serious default, as cited, with references, in the Appellants Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice/ Plus Addendum. On October 25, 2004, Appellant submitted the THIRD not FIRST request for all records.
7. On October 26, 2004, a prompt response was made to the third request by, Gerard Mackarevich, Deputy Chief Counsel, as stated in reply item #4 of this document, but he only forwarded a copy of the transcript and 1 exhibit of the employer (the only exhibit of the employer, according to the transcript.) On page 2 of the transcript was dialog referring to documents #1 through #31 being entered into the record. Discussion of this was expanded in the appellants Motion to Reverse. None of these documents were ever forwarded and they held significance because they were already present, in the file, before the employer arrived and were not delivered by her, quoted from or mentioned by her during her testimony, as evidenced in the transcripts.
On November 3, 2004 a FOURTH request was submitted to the UCBR, with a time is of the essence status, pending the November 12, 2004 deadline for brief. NONE was received. UCBR DEFAULTED, again, in neglecting to make a timely response to requests for ALL RECORDS.
8. UCBR: "ON or about November 12, 2004, Petitioner filed a Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice (Motion) with this court, purportedly requesting a remand or reversal due to lack of timely release of records that are imperative to the preparation of her brief."
REPLY: The FACT is; on November 8, 2004, NOT November 12, 2004, appellant had still received NO RESPONSE to the FOURTH request for ALL RECORDS. This was not a "purported" default but a serious obstruction to the efficient preparation of brief. The absence of a timely response, for the forwarding of the required documents, prompted the November 8, 2004, filing of the 9 page Motion of Remand or Reversal with Prejudice.
On November 10, 2004, appellant also filed a 7 page Addendum to that motion, providing a combined total of a 16 page Motion that revealed a wider view of the tragedy and proportionate number of victims that are being made homeless and losing entire households of possessions and property, due to these procedural spans, defaults and delays. If appeals are not resolved and UC Funds delivered to the claimants within 30 days, the claimant is vulnerable to an eviction on rental property, and if not resolved and delivered within 90 days, to a home-owner, they are facing mortgage foreclosure.
The staff of UCBR, as well as this honorable court must open their eyes; to the massive crisis the UCBR is creating by erroneously and illegally denying UC Benefits. By the UCBR'S own admission, they deny 100 to 200 appeals PER DAY.
That's 24,000 to 48,000 victims PER YEAR, that they are responsible for, by imposing on them, the vulnerability of having their only source of income cut off and becoming homeless!
The UCBR has not been complying with the purpose it was created for. It is responsible to; investigate, correct and resolve errors as quickly as possible by using all the non-prejudice evaluating processes, that are fair and just and legal according to all Federal Civil Rights Laws, Pa State Laws, UC Department Laws, and UCBR Tribunal policies, that are recognized as acceptable within their own department, as well as beyond themselves, to the superior authorities, that they are also obligated to be compliant with, in their policymaking and practices.
The referees are over-burdened with appeals from employers who are hiring profit service-contract companies to appeal EVERY single ELIGIBLE Determination. These companies MUST be removed from the arena, as they have no association as legal counsel or acceptable witnesses who can present testimony or evidence. I expounded on this, in more detail, in the Motion to Reverse. I sympathize with the staff of the UC Department, including the referees and the Tribunal. But the over-load they are burdened with, they have created themselves, by giving hearing scheduling to frivolous appeals that are being made, in order that the employer can avoid payment as required, to the State UC Fund. These problems cannot be resolved by prejudicing the claimants, by denying benefits, where no willful misconduct has been claimed by the employer in the initial fact-finding inquiry, just to expedite the over-load of cases out the door, where it was not the fault of the claimant that they were over-loaded and where the staff from the UC Department already determined them as ELIGIBLE. Why would they schedule a hearing for an appeal where the employer already denied willful misconduct in the initial fact-finding inquiry? They shoot themselves in the foot and create the over-load by permitting the unpermittable. The employer cannot waste the referee's time or put the UC Benefits of the claimant in question for the purpose of appealing his own initial testimony.
If the UCBR developed non-prejudice policies and procedure, supervised and followed-up on the decisions of the referees, the caseload of error, coming to them, would be drastically reduced, just by having the referee abide by the non-prejudice policies that must conform to the right of due process and the right to a fair hearing.
Their reluctance to grant continuances, to avail claimants the fair opportunity to completely voice all their testimony and present evidence, is causing the incompleteness that results in upward assigning and continuance, where the claimants are not receiving due process from the referee decisions. They CANNOT refuse continuances to claimants because too many employers have jammed their calendar with frivolous appeals. They pacify the request of the employer but not the claimant. This is clearly prejudice. They are devaluating the claimant and minimalizing the importance of their Civil Rights, their Right to a Fair Hearing and the importance and relevance of their testimony.
10. UCBR: (these statements are a perfect example, of the practice, of shoving the priorities and defaults under the rug and attempting to slide the testimony, of the claimant, out the door before anyone chances to hear or pay attention to them) Quote item # 10 in portions; " To the extent the court considers Petitioner's Motion and Addendum to be her amended Brief, these lack a statement of the scope of review and standard of review, statement of the questions involved, summary of argument, argument and conclusion…. Wherefore , Petitioner, having failed to comply with this court's order, dated October 12, 2004, to file an amended Brief…… and the petitioner's Motion and Addendum being non-responsive ….(???)…..Respondent moves that your honorable Court dismiss Petitioner's appeal…..Wherefore, petitioner, having failed to state grounds upon which relief can be granted……. (???)….and Respondent, having complied with the Petitioner's request for a copy of the referee's hearing transcripts of April 21, 2004, Respondent moves that your honorable Court deny Petitioner's Motion and Addendum…..".
REPLY: the UCBR has clearly resorted to false statements, incorrect information and non-compliance with procedure. Also, in the attempt to over-step and erase the defaults proven in the appellant's Motion to Remand or Reverse with Prejudice/ plus Addendum, Respondent has failed to give any viable explaination or retort to several documented issues, including the employers initial fact-finding statements and their transcribed hearing testimony, that willful misconduct was NOT the reason for termination, the missing 34 page letter of request for reconsideration that was not appended to the record and possibly more missing material of testimony, presented by the appellant, or they would not consider that these blatent false statements could be found believable if ALL the evidence and testimony are available for evaluation. "Wherefore, Petitioner, having failed to state grounds upon which relief can be granted….." Where are the pages listing all this material if this Respondent believes they have not been presented? It is obviously a rouse to avoid admitting that serious mistakes were made and Immediate Reversal of their Illegal Decisions can be the only recourse possible for this Honorable Court to proceed with, having in its philosophies founded on a more ethical standard of practices than these being resorted to by the Respondent. Therefore, the Appellant moves that this honorable and ethical Court deny the Respondents Motion to Dismiss the Petitioner's Appeal, and further moves that the Appellant be granted an immediate reversal of all decisions that denied UC Benefits with prejudice.
In conclusion, UCBR counsel, having the disadvantage of arriving late in these proceedings, and to be liberal, may not have been privy to the entire record of testimony and the chronology of evidence presented by the Appellant, is unfortunately lacking an awareness and insight of the urgency of the need for immediate Reversal and disbursement of UC Funds to legally ELIGIBLE claimants. Please review the list of 17 personal tragedies that are suffered within 30 days of a referee's denial, listed on page 6 of the Appellants Motion to Reverse.
This is not a time to "save face", but an opportunity to "man up" and admit honorably that errors have been discovered, many victims have been left homeless, many lives are being destroyed by these merry-go-round delay tactics and policies. Yes, the claimants do eventually go away and leave you alone. They are forced to leave the state, those who survive alive. But these were never the stereotypical images you are holding of hoboes who are too lazy to work. These are people who have worked hard all their lives. Some have degrees, own their own homes and serve on community boards. These are people who were employed full-time, very recently. But in an alarming number of cases, they have been unjustly severed from the workplace through a common practice of deception, slander and framing innocent employees in order to dishonestly lay the groundwork for false statements of "just cause" for termination in order that the employer might avoid UC Benefits payments. These are people who have even been more adept and efficient at doing their job than their supervisors and were viewed as a threat. Therefore the groundwork is laid down to get rid of them "with just cause".
They never deserved to loose their jobs, and now you impose on them homelessness, starvation, banishment and possibly death.
Read my lips. A State, a city, a country cannot survive the budgets required when there are no citizens paying taxes or having consumable income. Everyone and everything is affected by negative, unethical, uncaring, uncompromising policies and practices that would obstruct consumable incomes to the citizens. These are good people being abused.
Thank you,
Dawn Naret'
Current Contact Info:
P.O. Box 2315 Pittsburgh, Pa 15230-2315
(Old Original Contact Info-see below):
Dawn Naret'
P.O. Box 643
Lancaster, Pa. 17608 (no phone anymore – dependant on free Library computer access)
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In reading a Pittsburgh Tribune news article, "Palestinian state 'longoverdue' - Cheney",of Mar. 24,2008, I could not have felt any more embarrassed, for ourapparently biblically uneducated and spiritually unenlightened V.P.,than I did at that moment.
Poor Mr. Cheney is not the first to commit the atrocity ofgeographical blundering, in discussion of Palestine and the history ofthe Middle East, and I 'm sure he will not be the last.
But, in these extremely sensitive, relevant times, of chaos and globalthreat rearing itself from the Israeli aggression and seizure systemof politics and civil management, I believe that we had better makemore effort to not make it easier, than we already have made it,through lack of historical facts and genuine comprehension.
The USA and many Christian groups, became deluded into believing thatall nations must back and support the State of Israel, because it is"written" so, in the Bible. Bottom line, that's it, God demanded it, oreven the Christians will go to hell if they do not comply.
WHO'S BIBLE says this? Our King James version of the Christian Biblecontains all the promises given to the Israelites (NOT ISRAELIS),during the exoduswith Moses. But, it also continues with additional facts and orders,from the same God, found in Isaiah, Judges and 1st Samuel, whichoccurred AFTER the Egyptian exodus and AFTER the mercy of forgiveness,given to them for worshipping the golden calf.
These later writings condemned the Israelites for rejecting the mercyand returning, once and twice, and as many as thirty times again, tothe practices of paganism and rejection of the practices of the Law ofAbraham (which all good Jews follow) and for warring with the loyalnatives of these countries who DID obey the commandments of God. Theyeven warred with the hebrews of Judah, who are our modern day "GoodJews", of the orthodox, conservative and reformed sects of JudeanJews, in every country.
Is this an attitude of bigotry, or anti-semantic? Absolutely NOT! Ihappen to be very PRO-JEWISH for the Jews who conduct their lives incompliance to the Laws of Abraham.
I ADORE and RESPECT JEWS! I feel more compatible with most Jews thanmost Christians, for the main reason that the Jews don't attempt tocome off as 'perfect piety in the flesh'. They make jokes of "tryingharder when you're second" and such good humored non-self-inflation,that you can't help but to love them. What's not to love?
The problem comes in when the non-compliant-Law of Abraham members ofIsrael and all of their seized geographical areas, and the non-Jewish,uneducated political aggressors, from other countries, team up in evildoings and make the "REAL JEWS" look bad !!
Now I must condense, to have space to make my point.
Mr. Cheney, before you erroneously spout out any more embarrassingrhetoric, about Palestine seeking the right to become a state……… (howmoronic can you be ! !), Palestine is the COUNTRY already in existenceand continuing to exist as a COUNTRY since Biblical times ! !
You should look in a "Strong's Concordance", for reference informationon every sentence, in the bible, that contains the name "PHILISTINE",which IS "Palestine" and which IS STILL AND ALWAYS WAS, the spellingand pronunciation of the name, of the COUNTRY of Palestine, in Arabic(which is THE middle-eastern language of the people of all themiddle-eastern countries).
We appear absolutely STUPID, every time a non-middle-easterner spews onabout Palestine becoming a "STATE". Why should they request the rightto become a state, when they are already a COUNTRY? They never cededtheir country when the Communists, financially and militarily, backedand sent, Russian Jews and Russian Christians, to help the PalestinianJews to seize a portion of the COUNTRY of Palestine from the nativesof Palestine, those who were the residents in this Biblical COUNTRYfor thousands of years.
I already quoted a Russian Christian, in my article "An American's view ofIslam", (available in the Library of Congress, copyright Oct. 1992), explainingwhy the Russians, who wanted the Russian Jews OUT of their land, hadcome to Palestine to take the Land for them and the Palestinian Jews(inspired to secede from Palestine), and admittingthat he was 1 of the original warriors who took it in. He was underthe employ of Communist Russian personnel and financially backed byCommunist Russia.
That backing was maintained quietly and continues even today.The Palestinian Jews did indeed "CECEDE" from the COUNTRY ofPalestine and created the "State of Israel" (choosing the namethemselves), in 1948. I revealed only the 1st name, of this witness,which was "Alex", in my previous article.
Today, it is necessary that the world leaders recognize that the COUNTRY ofPalestine was NEVER erased and will never cease to exist. And thatthat writings on the "Israelites" (followers of Abraham/Abram, a namegiven by God to the prophet, who was previously named Israel) were notnecessarily speaking of the recent young State of Israel.
And THAT, it is also "written", in:Judges Chapter 10 verses 6 through 14. (I wrote this out for the sake of those non-christians,who may not comprehend "JUD 10:6-14),as well as numerous pages of historical reading in the books of;Judges, 1st Samuel and Isaiah, on the country of Palestine/Philistineand the aggressions against it and against the other middle easterncountries, by these people calling themselves after the Israelites,but not following the Laws of Abraham, in their actions…
These writings, and all similar writings found in 1st Samuel, Judgesand Isaiah,support the "OTHER" people in the Middle East, and must be looked atby these "peace seekers" and taken AS seriously, as they took the MIS-information about our "condemnation", if we don't support only Israel.
In JUD 10:6-14, we read:
(6) And the Children of Israel did evil AGAIN in the sight of theLord, and served Baalim (Satin), and Ashtaroth………(and a long list ofothers)……..And forsook the Lord and served him NOT.
(7) The anger of the Lord was Hot against Israel, and he sold theminto the hands of the Philistines and into the hands of the childrenof Ammon (Jordan)……………….
(10) And the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord saying, "wehave sinned against thee, both because we have forsaken our Lord andalso served Baalim ".(Satan).
(11) And the Lord said unto the children of Israel, "Did I not deliveryou from the Egyptians and from…..(long list of other mercies)……
(13) Yet ye have forsaken me and served other gods, wherefore I willdeliver you NO more.
(14) Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen. Let them deliveryou in the time of your tribulation."
Does THIS sound like God will condemn anyone who will not supportCommunist-backed Israel? God himself is condemning those members whochose satanic gods and practices, over the God of Israel.
I think the good Jews of Israel have learned a great lesson, and havetried to remedy the weaknesses and errors of their ancient ancestors.But, in my opinion, the Israeli government needs to be guided andoverseen with a clear understanding of their true status and position,which is minimal and inferior to that of the government, of theCOUNTRY of PALESTINE.
They need to accept and realize that they took a portion…..But NOT the COUNTRY. They need to realize that the PORTION they took, is in great peril of being lost, with continued resistance to peace and co-operation with the leaders of the COUNTRY of Palestine, and nearly every other country, on the globe, that will no longer tolerate their blatant refusal to stop aggressive attempts to seize and destroy other settlements in the COUNTRY of Palestine.
History has proven that EVERY TIME the Israels have agreed or signed a Peace Treaty, they have VIOLATED it within 1 to 2 days, with renewed attacks or oppressions against the neighboring populations. These crimes against humanity can no longer be tolerated.
This is the "Honorable and Just" attitude, that all of the Middle East has been patiently waiting for the United States to stand on, in its evaluating and negotiating all proposals of Peace in the Middle East.
The United States, MUST STOP erroneously supporting the continuedCommunist-backed and supported, criminal and terroristic acts, of thegovernment of Israel, against thenatives of the COUNTRY of PALESTINE/PHILISTINE, and all other Middle Eastern countries..
The Communist Regime was not dissolved, it is still in full control inits countries outside of the former U.S.S.R. and still intending itsworld domination goals. We, as a nation, need to recognize that thispolitical party philosophy was carefully choreographed as far as 50years from now, and has not veered from its intension
But, also as a nation, we must separate the Russian people from thePreviously -Russian Communists. They (the Communists) no longerdominate the political decisions and do not control Mr. Putin or hispeople and are not the philosophy of the many good Russians who havemigrated to this country, since heroes like Mr. Lek Walenska and Mr.Putin, achieved a democracy and a freedom to travel, that they neverhad under Communistic rule.
The good Jews are not our enemy, the good Muslims are not our enemy,the good Russians are not our enemy………so who is?
We find that answer in the Bible, Ephesians 6:12;
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but againstprincipalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness ofthis world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"
(In the end times, it is not nations or principalities that you willwar against…but against the forces of evil holding authority in highplaces)
You cannot name a country or a people as the enemy. That is thepredicament governments have been facing, the last 3 decades ofunexplainable twistings and turnings and increased turmoil worldwide.
These are the same evil forces that constantly lured the ancientHebrews back into pagan practices and ungodly acts. It is the sameforce of evil that lures previously honorable politicians andgovernments to be blinded, of the truth and to err in judgment,committing crimes against humanity and nations and even against theirown people.
I am going to expand expression on some very important issues here,that are relevant to the swirling occult activity, that is occurringand injuring our American society. These issues are a division toolagainst the people, with 3 specific examples examined; being smokersvs. non-smokers, blacks vs. whites and blacks vs. blacks.
This occult activity seeks to divide and conquer, while it presentsitself as a non-threatening entity, and often as a positive, friendly,public information source on the good benefits of socialism. They areonly 1 group of several infiltrators who have been recruiting andmanipulating, for decades, on all our college campuses. Now, thosegrads are in government jobs and corporate management positions. Orworse, they stand available, to the side, ready to come in and takeover or reorganize our needs when asked to do so.
They lure us tobelieve that Socialism is not really a baiting lure of the CommunistParty and that what co-operation we give the Socialists, will not behelping any of the Communists to expand or openly seize control of theSocialist Party. Even though the Communists have nurtured it, in everycountry, since its infancy and also lured the arrogance of people tobelieve that the Socialists nor the Communists will ever seize controlof the world.
We have manipulations of Communism occurring right here, right now.They are in the form of breaking down freedom and rights and our senseof safety and security. They are dividing to conquer. IE: Non-Smokersagainst smokers, blacks against whites and blacks against blacks.
We have creditbureaus now empowering discrimination by rejecting people for housingand employment, on their say so. Etc…….etc………etc.
WHO GAVE THEM THIS STATUS OF GAGEING A PERSON'S TENANCY OR CREDIBILITY AND WHO GAVE NON-BANKING INSTITUTIONS THE RIGHT TO SEE PERSONAL CREDIT HISTORIES. These credit reporting agencies have already created loop-holes in our constitutional "NON-DISCRIMINATION IN JOBS AND HOUSING" LAWS. Why would a landlord benefit from teespassing into your credit history?
Are you able to take his building on your back and escape with it, leaving him a physical loss? There are eviction laws and processes that protect him from ANY loss if a tenant enters financial crisis and cannot pay their rent on time. HOUSING DISCRIMINATION IS AGAINST THE LAW, UNDER ANY EXCUSE.
Potential employers have now also begun to take the "CRIMINAL TRESPASS ROUTE" by demanding an acceptable credit report, before hiring. JOB DISCRIMINATION IS AGAINST THE LAW, UNDER ANY EXCUSE. what right would they possibly have? They are not even paying you in advance or fronting anything that could amount to a loss to them. What could they possibly offer as an excuse for this criminal trespass? And worse, for the possibility of illegal job discrimination?
These lapses of Proper Judicial Protections, for the citizens, are a main source of economical decline in this country. If citizens are left vulnerable to criminal trespass and illegal discrimination in jobs and housing, they are left without spendable cash or taxes due, that contribute to the ever revolving cycle of cash flow for the whole country.
Somewhere, in the white-collar insanity revolution, a decision was adopted that blue collar Americans were the enemy and were not to be given any benefits, rights, protections, or consideration, in the decision making process of national management and planning of both business and administrative areanas of National Policy Makers.
We have been licked into the ever expanding jowls of the encroaching socialist/communist beast, who trains its owned peoples that they will have NO FREEDOM, NO RIGHTS, NO PRIVATE BUSINESS, NO JUDICIAL PROTECTION, NO NOTHING THAT IS NOT SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE 'PARTY'. We are almost completely there. NOW.
Mr. Cheney, can you see the problems? Can you see why it is notpermissible to assume that a country does not exist, just because aradical Communist influence, that already seized a portion of thatcountry, wants international acceptance that the remainder of it isnow up for grabs?
Can you see the portions of the United States that have already beenseized? Do you not even realize THIS? Do you want to make it easierfor the Communists to seize ALL of the United States once they haveinternational acceptance that you and your government no longer exist,because they have set up twins, functioning as government, that callthemselves as "Senator" and "State Representative", etc. and are readyto go into full function at a moments notice? Should we make you applyfor Statehood? Could you handle the economical and judicialresponsibility, or should we just turn the treasury over to Israel soit does not get foolishly spent?
Do you recall when the U.S. guaranteed Arafat $600M, to develop andstabilize the Palestinian government? The U.S. handed it over toIsrael, Why? There are many questions to be resolved, but whether theCOUNTRY of Palestine should apply for Statehood is not one of them.
I am breaking down this commentary, into several parts, in order to cover a vast amount of information, on these very real and very dangerous assemblies and activities against the citizens, of the United States. (SEE: "PART 2: EXPANDED COMMENTARY OF NON-SMOKERS AGAINST SMOKERS - A DIVISION TOOL OF THE ENEMIES OF AMERICA")
In reading a Pittsburgh Tribune news article, "Palestinian state 'longoverdue' - Cheney",of Mar. 24,2008, I could not have felt any more embarrassed, for ourapparently biblically uneducated and spiritually unenlightened V.P.,than I did at that moment.
Poor Mr. Cheney is not the first to commit the atrocity ofgeographical blundering, in discussion of Palestine and the history ofthe Middle East, and I 'm sure he will not be the last.
But, in these extremely sensitive, relevant times, of chaos and globalthreat rearing itself from the Israeli aggression and seizure systemof politics and civil management, I believe that we had better makemore effort to not make it easier, than we already have made it,through lack of historical facts and genuine comprehension.
The USA and many Christian groups, became deluded into believing thatall nations must back and support the State of Israel, because it is"written" so, in the Bible. Bottom line, that's it, God demanded it, oreven the Christians will go to hell if they do not comply.
WHO'S BIBLE says this? Our King James version of the Christian Biblecontains all the promises given to the Israelites (NOT ISRAELIS),during the exoduswith Moses. But, it also continues with additional facts and orders,from the same God, found in Isaiah, Judges and 1st Samuel, whichoccurred AFTER the Egyptian exodus and AFTER the mercy of forgiveness,given to them for worshipping the golden calf.
These later writings condemned the Israelites for rejecting the mercyand returning, once and twice, and as many as thirty times again, tothe practices of paganism and rejection of the practices of the Law ofAbraham (which all good Jews follow) and for warring with the loyalnatives of these countries who DID obey the commandments of God. Theyeven warred with the hebrews of Judah, who are our modern day "GoodJews", of the orthodox, conservative and reformed sects of JudeanJews, in every country.
Is this an attitude of bigotry, or anti-semantic? Absolutely NOT! Ihappen to be very PRO-JEWISH for the Jews who conduct their lives incompliance to the Laws of Abraham.
I ADORE and RESPECT JEWS! I feel more compatible with most Jews thanmost Christians, for the main reason that the Jews don't attempt tocome off as 'perfect piety in the flesh'. They make jokes of "tryingharder when you're second" and such good humored non-self-inflation,that you can't help but to love them. What's not to love?
The problem comes in when the non-compliant-Law of Abraham members ofIsrael and all of their seized geographical areas, and the non-Jewish,uneducated political aggressors, from other countries, team up in evildoings and make the "REAL JEWS" look bad !!
Now I must condense, to have space to make my point.
Mr. Cheney, before you erroneously spout out any more embarrassingrhetoric, about Palestine seeking the right to become a state……… (howmoronic can you be ! !), Palestine is the COUNTRY already in existenceand continuing to exist as a COUNTRY since Biblical times ! !
You should look in a "Strong's Concordance", for reference informationon every sentence, in the bible, that contains the name "PHILISTINE",which IS "Palestine" and which IS STILL AND ALWAYS WAS, the spellingand pronunciation of the name, of the COUNTRY of Palestine, in Arabic(which is THE middle-eastern language of the people of all themiddle-eastern countries).
We appear absolutely STUPID, every time a non-middle-easterner spews onabout Palestine becoming a "STATE". Why should they request the rightto become a state, when they are already a COUNTRY? They never cededtheir country when the Communists, financially and militarily, backedand sent, Russian Jews and Russian Christians, to help the PalestinianJews to seize a portion of the COUNTRY of Palestine from the nativesof Palestine, those who were the residents in this Biblical COUNTRYfor thousands of years.
I already quoted a Russian Christian, in my article "An American's view ofIslam", (available in the Library of Congress, copyright Oct. 1992), explainingwhy the Russians, who wanted the Russian Jews OUT of their land, hadcome to Palestine to take the Land for them and the Palestinian Jews(inspired to secede from Palestine), and admittingthat he was 1 of the original warriors who took it in. He was underthe employ of Communist Russian personnel and financially backed byCommunist Russia.
That backing was maintained quietly and continues even today.The Palestinian Jews did indeed "CECEDE" from the COUNTRY ofPalestine and created the "State of Israel" (choosing the namethemselves), in 1948. I revealed only the 1st name, of this witness,which was "Alex", in my previous article.
Today, it is necessary that the world leaders recognize that the COUNTRY ofPalestine was NEVER erased and will never cease to exist. And thatthat writings on the "Israelites" (followers of Abraham/Abram, a namegiven by God to the prophet, who was previously named Israel) were notnecessarily speaking of the recent young State of Israel.
And THAT, it is also "written", in:Judges Chapter 10 verses 6 through 14. (I wrote this out for the sake of those non-christians,who may not comprehend "JUD 10:6-14),as well as numerous pages of historical reading in the books of;Judges, 1st Samuel and Isaiah, on the country of Palestine/Philistineand the aggressions against it and against the other middle easterncountries, by these people calling themselves after the Israelites,but not following the Laws of Abraham, in their actions…
These writings, and all similar writings found in 1st Samuel, Judgesand Isaiah,support the "OTHER" people in the Middle East, and must be looked atby these "peace seekers" and taken AS seriously, as they took the MIS-information about our "condemnation", if we don't support only Israel.
In JUD 10:6-14, we read:
(6) And the Children of Israel did evil AGAIN in the sight of theLord, and served Baalim (Satin), and Ashtaroth………(and a long list ofothers)……..And forsook the Lord and served him NOT.
(7) The anger of the Lord was Hot against Israel, and he sold theminto the hands of the Philistines and into the hands of the childrenof Ammon (Jordan)……………….
(10) And the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord saying, "wehave sinned against thee, both because we have forsaken our Lord andalso served Baalim ".(Satan).
(11) And the Lord said unto the children of Israel, "Did I not deliveryou from the Egyptians and from…..(long list of other mercies)……
(13) Yet ye have forsaken me and served other gods, wherefore I willdeliver you NO more.
(14) Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen. Let them deliveryou in the time of your tribulation."
Does THIS sound like God will condemn anyone who will not supportCommunist-backed Israel? God himself is condemning those members whochose satanic gods and practices, over the God of Israel.
I think the good Jews of Israel have learned a great lesson, and havetried to remedy the weaknesses and errors of their ancient ancestors.But, in my opinion, the Israeli government needs to be guided andoverseen with a clear understanding of their true status and position,which is minimal and inferior to that of the government, of theCOUNTRY of PALESTINE.
They need to accept and realize that they took a portion…..But NOT the COUNTRY. They need to realize that the PORTION they took, is in great peril of being lost, with continued resistance to peace and co-operation with the leaders of the COUNTRY of Palestine, and nearly every other country, on the globe, that will no longer tolerate their blatant refusal to stop aggressive attempts to seize and destroy other settlements in the COUNTRY of Palestine.
History has proven that EVERY TIME the Israels have agreed or signed a Peace Treaty, they have VIOLATED it within 1 to 2 days, with renewed attacks or oppressions against the neighboring populations. These crimes against humanity can no longer be tolerated.
This is the "Honorable and Just" attitude, that all of the Middle East has been patiently waiting for the United States to stand on, in its evaluating and negotiating all proposals of Peace in the Middle East.
The United States, MUST STOP erroneously supporting the continuedCommunist-backed and supported, criminal and terroristic acts, of thegovernment of Israel, against thenatives of the COUNTRY of PALESTINE/PHILISTINE, and all other Middle Eastern countries..
The Communist Regime was not dissolved, it is still in full control inits countries outside of the former U.S.S.R. and still intending itsworld domination goals. We, as a nation, need to recognize that thispolitical party philosophy was carefully choreographed as far as 50years from now, and has not veered from its intension
But, also as a nation, we must separate the Russian people from thePreviously -Russian Communists. They (the Communists) no longerdominate the political decisions and do not control Mr. Putin or hispeople and are not the philosophy of the many good Russians who havemigrated to this country, since heroes like Mr. Lek Walenska and Mr.Putin, achieved a democracy and a freedom to travel, that they neverhad under Communistic rule.
The good Jews are not our enemy, the good Muslims are not our enemy,the good Russians are not our enemy………so who is?
We find that answer in the Bible, Ephesians 6:12;
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but againstprincipalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness ofthis world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"
(In the end times, it is not nations or principalities that you willwar against…but against the forces of evil holding authority in highplaces)
You cannot name a country or a people as the enemy. That is thepredicament governments have been facing, the last 3 decades ofunexplainable twistings and turnings and increased turmoil worldwide.
These are the same evil forces that constantly lured the ancientHebrews back into pagan practices and ungodly acts. It is the sameforce of evil that lures previously honorable politicians andgovernments to be blinded, of the truth and to err in judgment,committing crimes against humanity and nations and even against theirown people.
I am going to expand expression on some very important issues here,that are relevant to the swirling occult activity, that is occurringand injuring our American society. These issues are a division toolagainst the people, with 3 specific examples examined; being smokersvs. non-smokers, blacks vs. whites and blacks vs. blacks.
This occult activity seeks to divide and conquer, while it presentsitself as a non-threatening entity, and often as a positive, friendly,public information source on the good benefits of socialism. They areonly 1 group of several infiltrators who have been recruiting andmanipulating, for decades, on all our college campuses. Now, thosegrads are in government jobs and corporate management positions. Orworse, they stand available, to the side, ready to come in and takeover or reorganize our needs when asked to do so.
They lure us tobelieve that Socialism is not really a baiting lure of the CommunistParty and that what co-operation we give the Socialists, will not behelping any of the Communists to expand or openly seize control of theSocialist Party. Even though the Communists have nurtured it, in everycountry, since its infancy and also lured the arrogance of people tobelieve that the Socialists nor the Communists will ever seize controlof the world.
We have manipulations of Communism occurring right here, right now.They are in the form of breaking down freedom and rights and our senseof safety and security. They are dividing to conquer. IE: Non-Smokersagainst smokers, blacks against whites and blacks against blacks.
We have creditbureaus now empowering discrimination by rejecting people for housingand employment, on their say so. Etc…….etc………etc.
WHO GAVE THEM THIS STATUS OF GAGEING A PERSON'S TENANCY OR CREDIBILITY AND WHO GAVE NON-BANKING INSTITUTIONS THE RIGHT TO SEE PERSONAL CREDIT HISTORIES. These credit reporting agencies have already created loop-holes in our constitutional "NON-DISCRIMINATION IN JOBS AND HOUSING" LAWS. Why would a landlord benefit from teespassing into your credit history?
Are you able to take his building on your back and escape with it, leaving him a physical loss? There are eviction laws and processes that protect him from ANY loss if a tenant enters financial crisis and cannot pay their rent on time. HOUSING DISCRIMINATION IS AGAINST THE LAW, UNDER ANY EXCUSE.
Potential employers have now also begun to take the "CRIMINAL TRESPASS ROUTE" by demanding an acceptable credit report, before hiring. JOB DISCRIMINATION IS AGAINST THE LAW, UNDER ANY EXCUSE. what right would they possibly have? They are not even paying you in advance or fronting anything that could amount to a loss to them. What could they possibly offer as an excuse for this criminal trespass? And worse, for the possibility of illegal job discrimination?
These lapses of Proper Judicial Protections, for the citizens, are a main source of economical decline in this country. If citizens are left vulnerable to criminal trespass and illegal discrimination in jobs and housing, they are left without spendable cash or taxes due, that contribute to the ever revolving cycle of cash flow for the whole country.
Somewhere, in the white-collar insanity revolution, a decision was adopted that blue collar Americans were the enemy and were not to be given any benefits, rights, protections, or consideration, in the decision making process of national management and planning of both business and administrative areanas of National Policy Makers.
We have been licked into the ever expanding jowls of the encroaching socialist/communist beast, who trains its owned peoples that they will have NO FREEDOM, NO RIGHTS, NO PRIVATE BUSINESS, NO JUDICIAL PROTECTION, NO NOTHING THAT IS NOT SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE 'PARTY'. We are almost completely there. NOW.
Mr. Cheney, can you see the problems? Can you see why it is notpermissible to assume that a country does not exist, just because aradical Communist influence, that already seized a portion of thatcountry, wants international acceptance that the remainder of it isnow up for grabs?
Can you see the portions of the United States that have already beenseized? Do you not even realize THIS? Do you want to make it easierfor the Communists to seize ALL of the United States once they haveinternational acceptance that you and your government no longer exist,because they have set up twins, functioning as government, that callthemselves as "Senator" and "State Representative", etc. and are readyto go into full function at a moments notice? Should we make you applyfor Statehood? Could you handle the economical and judicialresponsibility, or should we just turn the treasury over to Israel soit does not get foolishly spent?
Do you recall when the U.S. guaranteed Arafat $600M, to develop andstabilize the Palestinian government? The U.S. handed it over toIsrael, Why? There are many questions to be resolved, but whether theCOUNTRY of Palestine should apply for Statehood is not one of them.
I am breaking down this commentary, into several parts, in order to cover a vast amount of information, on these very real and very dangerous assemblies and activities against the citizens, of the United States. (SEE: "PART 2: EXPANDED COMMENTARY OF NON-SMOKERS AGAINST SMOKERS - A DIVISION TOOL OF THE ENEMIES OF AMERICA")
PART 2: "EXPANDED COMMENTARY ON NON-SMOKERS VS. SMOKERS - A DIVISION TOOL OF THE ENEMIES OF AMERICA" NON-SMOKERS are now under the conyrolling influence of destructive rhetoric, that is influencial in the process of "DIVIDE AND CONQUER", In the United States and across the globe. Non- smokers are now aggressively willing to violate the constitution to banishsmokers from equal rights and from society,.
How did non-smokers become so discriminatory? Who is pulling thestrings of these previously kind, caring Americans, and fueling thisglobal movement? These non-smokers were raised in a society thateasily tolerated other people's right to freedom of choice, withinlegal actions? How did they become so manipulated as to believe thatno one except THEM has a right to those protected freedoms?
These are, in my opinion, lapses of stable thought and basiccompassion, resulting from political manipulations that have createda social paranoia of personal loss of safety and security.They arebent on looking out for number one and to hell with the discomfortthey lay on others, who are just as entitled to that safety andsecurity. And they have been maneuvered into performing a task for thepolitical string pullers, that has as its priority, to get rid of theUS Constitution, with all the rights and protections that wouldprevent their Communistic philosophies and rulings from being enacted.
IE: One of those "rulings" being the illegal and unconstitutionalcreating of bans against smoking in public.
Non-smokers have beenmanipulated to create an issue of this excuse to chop into the equalrights and freedom of choice of smokers. Their excuse for theviolations of Equal rights is the possible long-term threat of"second-hand smoke". I created some humor for that, by saying that smokers now fear "Second-Hand Terrets" could be a danger to them, from biting their lip too many times against the temptation to verbalize their opinions about these abuses laid onto them by weak politicians who go with the majority. But, the Constitution does not protect the majority ALONE. It demands EQUAL RIGHTS and therefore, it is a violation of the Constitution to permit any banning or evicting, even temporarily, of SOME people and not others, where both claim a health danger. .The non-smokers (or the string-pullers that use them) demand a right for business owners and property owners to have"discriminatory back-up", of laws that ban smoking indoors, even if itis your own apartment that you are leasing. The actual correctness ofthe laws, according to the EQUAL RIGHTS PROTECTIONS OF THECONSTITUTION, demand that no law can be written that inhibits acitizens freedom of choice, or that favors one segment of society overanother segment. If it is not good for ALL....It cannot be made a lawwhich discriminates against SOME, it must be left to "FREEDOM OFCHOICE".
Now, what about the property owners? When you own a home, you candictate any rule you want to create as the "rules of the house". But,if you lease that home, it is not your house, but the home of the oneyou are accepting money from, in exchange for their right to occupythe home as the legal resident. A land lord cannot make any demands orrestrictions on their activity or choices, beyond forbidding damage orexcessive noise or disturbance, out of consideration to neighbors.
Whether you have over-nite guests, month long house-guests, 3AMmealtimes, 6AM cleaning manias or whether you choose to smoke, drink,curse, pray minimally or excessively or never pray or make your bedeither, is your own personal choice and no one can dictate yourchoices. Not even if he owns the building. He gave up the right to sethouse rules when he accepted cash to have you replace him as the legaltenant. To set a rule is unheard of. To refuse to lease to smokers isa discriminatory violation of constitutional rights. You cannot berefused housing based on ANYTHING that does not pose a definite threatto others. The landlord is a public vender of housing anddiscrimination is illegal.
When you own a business, you also have the right to set rules. Butthese would be for staff, schedules, hours of operation, etc., it is aviolation of Constitutional rights to discriminate against smokers. If you opened a business, to the public and must comply with all the lawsand courtesies and responsibilities obligatory on the owner of a business. If it is open to the public, It must be open to ALL thepublic. Smoking is now a global issue, with organized, global rail-roading of discrimination and DIVIDING TO CONQUER the governments of all those countries permitting discrimination and giving favoritism to a portion of the population, while the other portion is steaming mad, at the injustice, and is anxious to bring down this evil, unjust government, that is permitting such abuses against them and encircling them in a limiting and tightening noose of LOST FREEDOM OF CHOICE, and a NO-CONFIDENCE attitude their government. The negative attitudes, developed with these, and smoking is only one tool of dissension, is nurtured, stroked,poked and multiplied in layers, with other issue tools, until the people themselves are more inclined to tear down their own various governments and create a crack in the foundation and stability, that the TRUE PULLERS OF THE STRINGS use as a jump-in opportunity, for seizing the government. Where would I ever get such ideas? This question, once posed, could motivate the string pullers to manipulate co-operatives (whether they are aware of their destructive assistance or not) to label such a speaker as paranoid or delusionary. This would be done to prevent others from taking heed, because the speaker is now considered mentally unstable or a non-credible witness. They would hope to cover truth, by sweeping the whistle-blower under the proverbial psycho-couch and mock them as a crazy person, speaking nonsense. But, what IS nonsense and what IS fact? My theories are based on physical experiences, physical abuse, physical conversations with witnesses, physical letters of evidence, physical obstruction with evidence and physical scars, of the flesh, and of the trust that my idealistic, patriotism is being eroded by a government that is not protecting me from these exposures or the injury and negativeness they result in. There is no imagination, creating paranoia or delusion, here. Again, my theories are compilations of physical evidences and experiences. I have gotten much of my comprehension and validation from just reading the newspaper. IN THEIR OWN WORDS, I have mapped unconstitutional activities and patterns, across the globe and patterns do evolve so systematically, that I can now predict world news, with growing accuracy. This is not a delusion that plots exist. This is a witness, with evidence, that injustice, to citizens, creates dissension, which creates division, which creates a NO_TRUST attitude toward government, which creates rebellion, which organizes to revolution, which attempts to dissolve governments, which opens opportunities for replacement governments, which did not appear over-night, but had been organized already and were very functional and manipulative in the instigation, of all issues that ignited the NO_TRUST attitude. Does that sound like a plot? You bet your sweet bippy it is, but it is DEFINITELY NOT a delusion. Again, they are DIVIDING TO CONQUER ! !
How did non-smokers become so discriminatory? Who is pulling thestrings of these previously kind, caring Americans, and fueling thisglobal movement? These non-smokers were raised in a society thateasily tolerated other people's right to freedom of choice, withinlegal actions? How did they become so manipulated as to believe thatno one except THEM has a right to those protected freedoms?
These are, in my opinion, lapses of stable thought and basiccompassion, resulting from political manipulations that have createda social paranoia of personal loss of safety and security.They arebent on looking out for number one and to hell with the discomfortthey lay on others, who are just as entitled to that safety andsecurity. And they have been maneuvered into performing a task for thepolitical string pullers, that has as its priority, to get rid of theUS Constitution, with all the rights and protections that wouldprevent their Communistic philosophies and rulings from being enacted.
IE: One of those "rulings" being the illegal and unconstitutionalcreating of bans against smoking in public.
Non-smokers have beenmanipulated to create an issue of this excuse to chop into the equalrights and freedom of choice of smokers. Their excuse for theviolations of Equal rights is the possible long-term threat of"second-hand smoke". I created some humor for that, by saying that smokers now fear "Second-Hand Terrets" could be a danger to them, from biting their lip too many times against the temptation to verbalize their opinions about these abuses laid onto them by weak politicians who go with the majority. But, the Constitution does not protect the majority ALONE. It demands EQUAL RIGHTS and therefore, it is a violation of the Constitution to permit any banning or evicting, even temporarily, of SOME people and not others, where both claim a health danger. .The non-smokers (or the string-pullers that use them) demand a right for business owners and property owners to have"discriminatory back-up", of laws that ban smoking indoors, even if itis your own apartment that you are leasing. The actual correctness ofthe laws, according to the EQUAL RIGHTS PROTECTIONS OF THECONSTITUTION, demand that no law can be written that inhibits acitizens freedom of choice, or that favors one segment of society overanother segment. If it is not good for ALL....It cannot be made a lawwhich discriminates against SOME, it must be left to "FREEDOM OFCHOICE".
Now, what about the property owners? When you own a home, you candictate any rule you want to create as the "rules of the house". But,if you lease that home, it is not your house, but the home of the oneyou are accepting money from, in exchange for their right to occupythe home as the legal resident. A land lord cannot make any demands orrestrictions on their activity or choices, beyond forbidding damage orexcessive noise or disturbance, out of consideration to neighbors.
Whether you have over-nite guests, month long house-guests, 3AMmealtimes, 6AM cleaning manias or whether you choose to smoke, drink,curse, pray minimally or excessively or never pray or make your bedeither, is your own personal choice and no one can dictate yourchoices. Not even if he owns the building. He gave up the right to sethouse rules when he accepted cash to have you replace him as the legaltenant. To set a rule is unheard of. To refuse to lease to smokers isa discriminatory violation of constitutional rights. You cannot berefused housing based on ANYTHING that does not pose a definite threatto others. The landlord is a public vender of housing anddiscrimination is illegal.
When you own a business, you also have the right to set rules. Butthese would be for staff, schedules, hours of operation, etc., it is aviolation of Constitutional rights to discriminate against smokers. If you opened a business, to the public and must comply with all the lawsand courtesies and responsibilities obligatory on the owner of a business. If it is open to the public, It must be open to ALL thepublic. Smoking is now a global issue, with organized, global rail-roading of discrimination and DIVIDING TO CONQUER the governments of all those countries permitting discrimination and giving favoritism to a portion of the population, while the other portion is steaming mad, at the injustice, and is anxious to bring down this evil, unjust government, that is permitting such abuses against them and encircling them in a limiting and tightening noose of LOST FREEDOM OF CHOICE, and a NO-CONFIDENCE attitude their government. The negative attitudes, developed with these, and smoking is only one tool of dissension, is nurtured, stroked,poked and multiplied in layers, with other issue tools, until the people themselves are more inclined to tear down their own various governments and create a crack in the foundation and stability, that the TRUE PULLERS OF THE STRINGS use as a jump-in opportunity, for seizing the government. Where would I ever get such ideas? This question, once posed, could motivate the string pullers to manipulate co-operatives (whether they are aware of their destructive assistance or not) to label such a speaker as paranoid or delusionary. This would be done to prevent others from taking heed, because the speaker is now considered mentally unstable or a non-credible witness. They would hope to cover truth, by sweeping the whistle-blower under the proverbial psycho-couch and mock them as a crazy person, speaking nonsense. But, what IS nonsense and what IS fact? My theories are based on physical experiences, physical abuse, physical conversations with witnesses, physical letters of evidence, physical obstruction with evidence and physical scars, of the flesh, and of the trust that my idealistic, patriotism is being eroded by a government that is not protecting me from these exposures or the injury and negativeness they result in. There is no imagination, creating paranoia or delusion, here. Again, my theories are compilations of physical evidences and experiences. I have gotten much of my comprehension and validation from just reading the newspaper. IN THEIR OWN WORDS, I have mapped unconstitutional activities and patterns, across the globe and patterns do evolve so systematically, that I can now predict world news, with growing accuracy. This is not a delusion that plots exist. This is a witness, with evidence, that injustice, to citizens, creates dissension, which creates division, which creates a NO_TRUST attitude toward government, which creates rebellion, which organizes to revolution, which attempts to dissolve governments, which opens opportunities for replacement governments, which did not appear over-night, but had been organized already and were very functional and manipulative in the instigation, of all issues that ignited the NO_TRUST attitude. Does that sound like a plot? You bet your sweet bippy it is, but it is DEFINITELY NOT a delusion. Again, they are DIVIDING TO CONQUER ! !
(PART 3 - CIVIL WAR) We have racial war stimulation occurring so badly, that the warincludes blacks against blacks, who are tired of the radicals ruiningthe reputation of the honorable and studious blacks. There are numerous, separate groups of organized blacks. They cannot be grouped together, because all of their goals, methods, leaders and motivations are manipulated differently, by the one common denominator who is pulling ALL THEIR STRINGS of ALL THEIR LEADERS. How would I possibly get such an idea? I have witnessed patterns of activities, that looked like they had all attended the same training school, activities of corrupt employees in government, been victimized by corrupt employees, both inside and outside the government. I have been to court and witnessed the demise of our judicial system, through illegal trespasses, and activities , of corrupt employees. I have heard, with my own ears, instructions and demands for trespasses and illegal activity. I have suffered personally from trespass, and illegal activity. I have had to take personal cases, of complaints of injustice , to appeals courts and higher courts, in search of a judge who still follows correct judicial rules and decisions. There is NO PARANOIA here. This is a very ugly experience of reality at its worst, when you discover that those, entrusted to protect you and your rights, are appearing to br partners in crime with your abusers.
In the black community, I communicate with people and again, read the newspapers, to discover, in their own words and actions, where they stand and what issues they are motivated to use as inspiration or excuses for their actions.
One example of a manipulated group, are blacks demanding government to provide compensation, for their lost opportunities, diminished ever since their ancestors were brought here as slaves. This is an excuse for demanding a HAND-OUT that goes back beyond their family records and documentation.
Who would instigate them to believe that such demands are entitled to response? Where would they get such stimulation to actually present themselves, to legal and government authorities, with such demands and usually with no evidence of ancestral association or ancestral injustice or injury sustained.
Why didn’t their parents provide them with the legacy they now demand from government? Were their parents slaves in the 1950’s, 60’s, 70’s or 80’s? The problem, in my opinion, and I am old enough to have lived through every one of them, and witnessed the events first hand, as a white child living in a black neighborhood.
The problem in those days, was a dependency on welfare. A social services institution that actually provided so well, all those years, that welfare families would LOSE money, security and luxuries if they gave up welfare and and took low-income jobs.
It would have put them in the same misery as low-income, working white families, who received NO food stamps, NO medical coverage, NO supplemental rent assistance, NO increase to income with each new baby, NO opportunity to be stay-at-home-moms.
In fairness of "Why the heck are you complaining, when Whites suffered more disadvantages?", I have to relate several examples. I was raised by my grandparents. Both worked low-income jobs. We had to pay FULL price of rent,, which thankfully in those days, still left a little for other needs, but not much because they worked for less than one dollar per hour(in the 1950's)!
We also had to pay FULL price for groceries and often had pancakes or soup for supper, because there was no meat. We had to pay FULL PRICE CASH for medical treatment or hospitalizations, because we had no insurance.
Gratfully, we found a Black doctor, who permitted us to make installment payments for medical care and check-ups for about $2 per house call and he would give us free samples of medicines needed, if he had them. Sometimes, we didn't have the $2 in the budget, even with installment payments, there was just nothing to spare, so he would accepy homemade bread.
But without his kindness, we would not have had a doctor available at all. And that proves we were not prejudice and that blacks could aspire to levels above welfare, IF they wanted it and IF they were willing to work for it.
They were not obstructed or prejudiced against and neither were the welfare people. They had a choice, in many instances, but chose the security of welfare, rather than challenge or opportunity.
In the 1960's, minimum wage was $1.10 per hour and we still did not have medical coverage in low-income America but, we could join a group plan at work, with a deduction taken off our pay check. This is the era when I started working.
In the 1970's, minimum wage was $1.35 per hour and we still did not get medical coverage unless we were full-time. Rent now had gone up over 20 years, but minimum wage increased by only 40-50 cents. Hardly any increase at all! I managed to get myself through nursing school in 1973, and made $2.42 per hour on my 1st job.
But in the 1980's, now the 3rd decade of minimum wage, suddenly zoomed ahead to $3.65 per hour. In 30 years of price increases on rent, utilities, insurance, groceries, clothes and misc. needs, we gained a wage increase of $2.50 per hour/over 30 years to cover expenses. We still didn't have it a good as the welfare people.
In the 1980's, they also entered the "Cut-throat Management" era. This is were they bagan to view the employee as the enemy and started the demise of Corporate America with such negative philosophies as "never let them know you like their work....they'll only expect a raise" and "if we need to downsize, criticize and annoy them, until they quit voluntarily, so we don't have to pay unemployment".
They also started hiring for a maximum of 20-39 hours per week, so you could not be considered full time, and would never be eligible to receive benefits, including retirement plans, which put the baby-boomers at an unfair disadvantage compared to the previous decade where retirement funds were matched by the employer, but only in the better job levels.
In the 1990's this was limited to degreed levels only, as were many actions that were more and more becoming discriminatory toward non-degreed workers.
Many markets, including the steel industry, went down in the early 1980's. Many lost their jobs and homes and we entered a national economical recession, but tried to not admit it. Ex-employees did not qualify for welfare benefits, because the qualifiers were; how much money you made the year before. They were told that they had made above the poverty line, and that had been too much to qualify for welfare, despite the fact that they were making NOTHING NOW!
That didn't matter. They became homeless, in many cases, and policies became more cut-throat, and corrupt management became more predatory. Many never got back to being employed full time, with benefits. Those jobs were now reserved for thepeople with degrees, and low-income people had no degrees. If they wanted to go to college, they had to work 2 jobs and attend class as well. Some did this, most could not. they were children of working mothers, who could not possibly help them or baby-sit for them, or lend a hand with schedules as the welfare stay-at-home moms could.
The poor white workers had no stay-at-home moms and baby-sitting fees began to rise higher than the minimum wage. Some of the baby-sitters were stay-at-home welfare moms, illegally collecting income on the side and under the table, paying no income taxes.
Dreams were layed aside and life long ruts of low-income continued. Meanwhile, the N.A.A.C.P. was pushing for "Affirmative Action" and quota hiring. Whites were pushed aside to maintain quotas and the N.A.A.C.P. did not accept white, underpriveledged members.
We got no free legal assistance, free lobbying, efforts for more opportunity and higher-income, no shoo-in jobs at quota.
The N.A.A.C.P. did womderful, miraculas things for their community. But only for a PORTION of their community. But, they were too prejudice to realize that. That the poor whites in the low-rent neighborhoods were just as battered by the government discrimination, so there was never even a race issue going on. It was selfish negative, capitalism trying to enslave and maintain access to low-overhead laborers for the wealthy. The welfare people also picked up illegal side jobs in housekeeping, laundry, ironing,etc. and the wealthy paid no taxes or social security payments on their behalf.
The N.A.A.C.P. should have been color-blind, as they whites to be, and pushed for all their issues for the poor blacks AND whites. It's not like they could use the excuse that; "well they have plenty of help and don't have it as bad as the blacks do". We had it worse, and still do not get any help.
This prejudice and lack of concern for the suffering whites raised its head, when the welfare system finally began pushing labor required programs, to reduce dependancy on welfare and motivate the seeking of opportunity.
They even created "shoo-in" jobs, for welfare people, in government departments and offices to jump-start their job security and weaning off welfare. Meanwhile, the low-income, working whites, were now entitled to partial food stamps, but no "shoo-in" jobs, supplemental housing, income or medical assistance. Also no Affirmative Action educational opportunities, no respect or fair, non-discriminatory treatment, when applying for work in government departments, which were now staffed and supervised by prejudiced, black, ex-welfare people, who were following a philosophy of taking care of their own and the heck with helping any whites.
Somehow, the black, ex-welfare people went brain-dead and decided, in their prejudiced mind, that they were going to make things difficult for these whites, who always had it easy (??) did nothing to help them (??).
They over-looked, in their prejudiced minds, that these people had already suffered MORE than they ever had, just through the lack of all the security that welfare had been providing for them.
These poor whites were the LAST people that they should have formed a prejudice against, or abusing their authority on. These whites had never been IN a position to hurt any opportunities of the blacks and had received even LESS opportunities themselves, due to the abscense of race minority status, assistance of the N.A.A.C.P. and the rapidly evolving of neighborhood support networks and a "Rapid Communication" system for job openings and even soon-to-be job openings, in their government departments.
This communication system evolved into sometimes, militant, organized, black-empowerment societies, depending on what other associations the individual was connected to. It evolved on different levels, with different goals, operations, financing and progress.
Meanwhile, the poor,working whites became eligible for Housing supplement, "Section 8", if they only made minimum wage, which was and remains below poverty level.
But, they could only be processed, in many cases, after the prejudiced, ex-welfare, turned corrupt employee, processed all their cousins and any other blacks who deserved help more, in their prejudice mind, than the whites.
I personally had this experience on 3 consecutive applications. I was told that their budget money was already depleted and that there would be a continued 2 year waiting list. I then watched the clerk take a call and inform a cousin that the money is coming in tuesday a.m. and to be here at 8:30 and the clerk would get them processed immediately.
I am disabled, homeless and sitting up all night, on a folding chair, waiting for a chance to lie down and at least have a place to die. There is not much hope of healing. I just keep getting exposed to more and more contamination and injury.
What a sad developement to an opportunity to step up to "government employee" status. But, with illegal and corrupt activities, they jerked it and developed the "rapid communication, get all the whites fired and call your cousin about an up and coming new job opening...'blacks are the power' society".
At the same time, the higher charactered blacks were following the guidance of the N.A.A.C.P., accepting educational grants, applying themselves and graduating with college degrees. They were proving that blacks had just as much intelligence and capability as whites and were creating new respect and awareness of the facts.
They were moving into politics, investment purchases and country clubs, and where they were still not invited....they opened their own version of; ladies clubs, political commities and support centers, with themselves teaching and administering the programs and curiculum.
They provided, for themselves and their community, a wide new vista of community management discussion, planning and agenda. They initiated fund raising, opened childrens centers and support groups and learned how to start-up "non-profit" services and councils that recieved government funding.
These people took the community ball and ran farther than any white school class or functioning counsel had ever attempted, and they did it for the benefit of their community. Meanwhile, when as they got into their new cars to return to their "new" community, they were called "Uncle Toms", "traitors" and various other insulting inuendos, by those still living in the old neighborhoods.
They were accused of "going white" and forgetting where they came from. As if where you came from, means that you never had it in you, to better, all the time. As if where you came from, means you can never amount to more than the "gimme's", the old "neighborhoodies", still hangin out and panhandlin' on the corner, cause they are just "too cool and superior" to get a dam job OR 2 like the educated ones did.
The "hoodies" tried to make them feel guilty and inclined to hand over some cash, just to show that they still admitted and respected that this was their "hood", and they were willing to contribute to the "jis' never got lucky" bros.
Those people earned and deserved every move up, that they made. They challenged the risk to security, they felt the painful tug, on their ear, from their grandmother, still yelling at them that they can be just as good as anyone else and to get out there and "sho'em".
These "Gimme's" were at the bottom level, and the future corrupt employees, who would began taking their organized communication system into every possible business and neighborhood, they could infiltrate. But, someone at least got them motivated to get off the corner.
Someone got them gathering together to discuss what they want or deserve out of life, someone got them to start looking "up" instead of "around" and deciding that they want more than this, someone got them to ask, "why don't that good stuff ever happen to me?", someone made them realize that it could and someone taught them that it never comes to the corner, looking for have to go where it is and work for it.
These "someone"s" were usually directly or associatively connected to the "Uncle Toms", who were giving back more than the "gimme's" realized. The "Gimme's" started moving "in", but their aim was not to assimilate and fit in, but to conduct surveilence and take over. They still had not evolved beyond the initial luring principals of "meet them on their own level, to get their attention". They had been told that they "could" do more with their lives, then too prematurely, in many cases, ran off and didn't wait for the "how to" course.
They ran off half cocked, arrogant, rebellious, beligerant and bewieldered, full of militant, elitism and darn near civil warring determination. They were a disaster, looking for a place to happen because they were determined to "GET OVER ON SOCIETY", not "JOIN IN AND BE A GENUINE MEMBER OF SOCIETY".
I heard a young black man, discussing his new friendship, with a white student state, "yeah, it was fun, it was different, they do alot of really different things for fun". He may have initiated the friendship as a means of "using" this student, but it seemed that the friendship was possibly a "jus' got lucky" situation that was opening his eyes to "sincerity, and appreciation" of the acceptance and non-prejudice way HE was being welcomed and treated, and had never acknowledged it before. His friend was genuine...NOT trying to "Get Over". I am sure his life path will be upward and quite successful.
But he is not in the majority of "hoodies make good" list. Unfortunately, there is at least one corrupt "gimme" employee in every single office and every single resturant, kitchen, medical institution, bank government office, factory, retail outlet and every other business not mentioned, including 3rd shift cleaning crews and security guards, who have keys to all locked areas and inventories. And by now, they are not all black, but many are employed by blacks, who instruct them on what trespass to focus on, for the benefit of "the group", that they give more loyality and obediance to, than they give their paying employer.
Many do wonderful jobs, are usually very competent in their performance, report loads of gossip and rule-breaking tattles to their supervisors, as well as fabrications of how "someone else" does not do as good a job as "they" do and "they are the only ones who can be trusted, by the supervisor. Meanwhile, "they" are often times the ones standing around, having gossip sessions or socializing while everyone else does the work, including theirs.
They are the "Gimme" militant avengers who, with their prejudice mind or their paid validation of the right to sabotage their employer, will receive a phone call, from a neighborhood manager and lie, steal, sabotage or vandalize anything they are ordered to do.
These "Gimme" groups were not a problem, until they merged with a white profiteering, criminal group, who hired them to assist in running businesses, that the group wanted to put into bankruptcy, or buy cheaP. they accepted the side-jobs employment and as natural entrepreneurs, soon decided that they could run this scam themselves.
They started pulling a few businesses and properties, previously owned by whites, who's lives they destroyed, and pulled them off to the side, for themselves to scam at full profit and sole benefit.
They now hired several different groups, including poor whites and some black out-siders, from their neighborhood, and even began recruiting some, to come in from other states, who later took the same confidence and broke off, forming their own corrupt business.
They liked destroying the lives of the whites, and now they loked being the "masters" and employers of the whites. It fit perfectly into their prejudiced mind-processing. What they did not realize, was that other white employers, who had by now, hired their initial white employers, who were being used by this higher level of organized crime, as a cover-up cushion, already knew of the black skimming.
The heirarchy decided to let it occur and then started hitting the skimmers with evidence and demands that they perform additional criminal acts, for the higher level directly, or face their initial employers, who would be enraged about news of the skimming.
And such is the situation, as it stands today. There is no end to this commentary, because it has not ended. There can be no ending until we once again "CREATE" an honorable Judicial System, that will enforce laws properly and put an end to the "LAWLESSNESS IN THE NO-MANS-LAND" called, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
These crimes, both blue collar and white collar are the "CRUX" of our current economical decline. As jobs are lost, and businesses are lost, there is no incom. When there is no income, citizens lean on State and Federal funds to survive. When citizens are dependant on Government income, they are depleting Government treasuries and are not paying taxes to refill those treasuries.(PART 3 - THE END)
In the black community, I communicate with people and again, read the newspapers, to discover, in their own words and actions, where they stand and what issues they are motivated to use as inspiration or excuses for their actions.
One example of a manipulated group, are blacks demanding government to provide compensation, for their lost opportunities, diminished ever since their ancestors were brought here as slaves. This is an excuse for demanding a HAND-OUT that goes back beyond their family records and documentation.
Who would instigate them to believe that such demands are entitled to response? Where would they get such stimulation to actually present themselves, to legal and government authorities, with such demands and usually with no evidence of ancestral association or ancestral injustice or injury sustained.
Why didn’t their parents provide them with the legacy they now demand from government? Were their parents slaves in the 1950’s, 60’s, 70’s or 80’s? The problem, in my opinion, and I am old enough to have lived through every one of them, and witnessed the events first hand, as a white child living in a black neighborhood.
The problem in those days, was a dependency on welfare. A social services institution that actually provided so well, all those years, that welfare families would LOSE money, security and luxuries if they gave up welfare and and took low-income jobs.
It would have put them in the same misery as low-income, working white families, who received NO food stamps, NO medical coverage, NO supplemental rent assistance, NO increase to income with each new baby, NO opportunity to be stay-at-home-moms.
In fairness of "Why the heck are you complaining, when Whites suffered more disadvantages?", I have to relate several examples. I was raised by my grandparents. Both worked low-income jobs. We had to pay FULL price of rent,, which thankfully in those days, still left a little for other needs, but not much because they worked for less than one dollar per hour(in the 1950's)!
We also had to pay FULL price for groceries and often had pancakes or soup for supper, because there was no meat. We had to pay FULL PRICE CASH for medical treatment or hospitalizations, because we had no insurance.
Gratfully, we found a Black doctor, who permitted us to make installment payments for medical care and check-ups for about $2 per house call and he would give us free samples of medicines needed, if he had them. Sometimes, we didn't have the $2 in the budget, even with installment payments, there was just nothing to spare, so he would accepy homemade bread.
But without his kindness, we would not have had a doctor available at all. And that proves we were not prejudice and that blacks could aspire to levels above welfare, IF they wanted it and IF they were willing to work for it.
They were not obstructed or prejudiced against and neither were the welfare people. They had a choice, in many instances, but chose the security of welfare, rather than challenge or opportunity.
In the 1960's, minimum wage was $1.10 per hour and we still did not have medical coverage in low-income America but, we could join a group plan at work, with a deduction taken off our pay check. This is the era when I started working.
In the 1970's, minimum wage was $1.35 per hour and we still did not get medical coverage unless we were full-time. Rent now had gone up over 20 years, but minimum wage increased by only 40-50 cents. Hardly any increase at all! I managed to get myself through nursing school in 1973, and made $2.42 per hour on my 1st job.
But in the 1980's, now the 3rd decade of minimum wage, suddenly zoomed ahead to $3.65 per hour. In 30 years of price increases on rent, utilities, insurance, groceries, clothes and misc. needs, we gained a wage increase of $2.50 per hour/over 30 years to cover expenses. We still didn't have it a good as the welfare people.
In the 1980's, they also entered the "Cut-throat Management" era. This is were they bagan to view the employee as the enemy and started the demise of Corporate America with such negative philosophies as "never let them know you like their work....they'll only expect a raise" and "if we need to downsize, criticize and annoy them, until they quit voluntarily, so we don't have to pay unemployment".
They also started hiring for a maximum of 20-39 hours per week, so you could not be considered full time, and would never be eligible to receive benefits, including retirement plans, which put the baby-boomers at an unfair disadvantage compared to the previous decade where retirement funds were matched by the employer, but only in the better job levels.
In the 1990's this was limited to degreed levels only, as were many actions that were more and more becoming discriminatory toward non-degreed workers.
Many markets, including the steel industry, went down in the early 1980's. Many lost their jobs and homes and we entered a national economical recession, but tried to not admit it. Ex-employees did not qualify for welfare benefits, because the qualifiers were; how much money you made the year before. They were told that they had made above the poverty line, and that had been too much to qualify for welfare, despite the fact that they were making NOTHING NOW!
That didn't matter. They became homeless, in many cases, and policies became more cut-throat, and corrupt management became more predatory. Many never got back to being employed full time, with benefits. Those jobs were now reserved for thepeople with degrees, and low-income people had no degrees. If they wanted to go to college, they had to work 2 jobs and attend class as well. Some did this, most could not. they were children of working mothers, who could not possibly help them or baby-sit for them, or lend a hand with schedules as the welfare stay-at-home moms could.
The poor white workers had no stay-at-home moms and baby-sitting fees began to rise higher than the minimum wage. Some of the baby-sitters were stay-at-home welfare moms, illegally collecting income on the side and under the table, paying no income taxes.
Dreams were layed aside and life long ruts of low-income continued. Meanwhile, the N.A.A.C.P. was pushing for "Affirmative Action" and quota hiring. Whites were pushed aside to maintain quotas and the N.A.A.C.P. did not accept white, underpriveledged members.
We got no free legal assistance, free lobbying, efforts for more opportunity and higher-income, no shoo-in jobs at quota.
The N.A.A.C.P. did womderful, miraculas things for their community. But only for a PORTION of their community. But, they were too prejudice to realize that. That the poor whites in the low-rent neighborhoods were just as battered by the government discrimination, so there was never even a race issue going on. It was selfish negative, capitalism trying to enslave and maintain access to low-overhead laborers for the wealthy. The welfare people also picked up illegal side jobs in housekeeping, laundry, ironing,etc. and the wealthy paid no taxes or social security payments on their behalf.
The N.A.A.C.P. should have been color-blind, as they whites to be, and pushed for all their issues for the poor blacks AND whites. It's not like they could use the excuse that; "well they have plenty of help and don't have it as bad as the blacks do". We had it worse, and still do not get any help.
This prejudice and lack of concern for the suffering whites raised its head, when the welfare system finally began pushing labor required programs, to reduce dependancy on welfare and motivate the seeking of opportunity.
They even created "shoo-in" jobs, for welfare people, in government departments and offices to jump-start their job security and weaning off welfare. Meanwhile, the low-income, working whites, were now entitled to partial food stamps, but no "shoo-in" jobs, supplemental housing, income or medical assistance. Also no Affirmative Action educational opportunities, no respect or fair, non-discriminatory treatment, when applying for work in government departments, which were now staffed and supervised by prejudiced, black, ex-welfare people, who were following a philosophy of taking care of their own and the heck with helping any whites.
Somehow, the black, ex-welfare people went brain-dead and decided, in their prejudiced mind, that they were going to make things difficult for these whites, who always had it easy (??) did nothing to help them (??).
They over-looked, in their prejudiced minds, that these people had already suffered MORE than they ever had, just through the lack of all the security that welfare had been providing for them.
These poor whites were the LAST people that they should have formed a prejudice against, or abusing their authority on. These whites had never been IN a position to hurt any opportunities of the blacks and had received even LESS opportunities themselves, due to the abscense of race minority status, assistance of the N.A.A.C.P. and the rapidly evolving of neighborhood support networks and a "Rapid Communication" system for job openings and even soon-to-be job openings, in their government departments.
This communication system evolved into sometimes, militant, organized, black-empowerment societies, depending on what other associations the individual was connected to. It evolved on different levels, with different goals, operations, financing and progress.
Meanwhile, the poor,working whites became eligible for Housing supplement, "Section 8", if they only made minimum wage, which was and remains below poverty level.
But, they could only be processed, in many cases, after the prejudiced, ex-welfare, turned corrupt employee, processed all their cousins and any other blacks who deserved help more, in their prejudice mind, than the whites.
I personally had this experience on 3 consecutive applications. I was told that their budget money was already depleted and that there would be a continued 2 year waiting list. I then watched the clerk take a call and inform a cousin that the money is coming in tuesday a.m. and to be here at 8:30 and the clerk would get them processed immediately.
I am disabled, homeless and sitting up all night, on a folding chair, waiting for a chance to lie down and at least have a place to die. There is not much hope of healing. I just keep getting exposed to more and more contamination and injury.
What a sad developement to an opportunity to step up to "government employee" status. But, with illegal and corrupt activities, they jerked it and developed the "rapid communication, get all the whites fired and call your cousin about an up and coming new job opening...'blacks are the power' society".
At the same time, the higher charactered blacks were following the guidance of the N.A.A.C.P., accepting educational grants, applying themselves and graduating with college degrees. They were proving that blacks had just as much intelligence and capability as whites and were creating new respect and awareness of the facts.
They were moving into politics, investment purchases and country clubs, and where they were still not invited....they opened their own version of; ladies clubs, political commities and support centers, with themselves teaching and administering the programs and curiculum.
They provided, for themselves and their community, a wide new vista of community management discussion, planning and agenda. They initiated fund raising, opened childrens centers and support groups and learned how to start-up "non-profit" services and councils that recieved government funding.
These people took the community ball and ran farther than any white school class or functioning counsel had ever attempted, and they did it for the benefit of their community. Meanwhile, when as they got into their new cars to return to their "new" community, they were called "Uncle Toms", "traitors" and various other insulting inuendos, by those still living in the old neighborhoods.
They were accused of "going white" and forgetting where they came from. As if where you came from, means that you never had it in you, to better, all the time. As if where you came from, means you can never amount to more than the "gimme's", the old "neighborhoodies", still hangin out and panhandlin' on the corner, cause they are just "too cool and superior" to get a dam job OR 2 like the educated ones did.
The "hoodies" tried to make them feel guilty and inclined to hand over some cash, just to show that they still admitted and respected that this was their "hood", and they were willing to contribute to the "jis' never got lucky" bros.
Those people earned and deserved every move up, that they made. They challenged the risk to security, they felt the painful tug, on their ear, from their grandmother, still yelling at them that they can be just as good as anyone else and to get out there and "sho'em".
These "Gimme's" were at the bottom level, and the future corrupt employees, who would began taking their organized communication system into every possible business and neighborhood, they could infiltrate. But, someone at least got them motivated to get off the corner.
Someone got them gathering together to discuss what they want or deserve out of life, someone got them to start looking "up" instead of "around" and deciding that they want more than this, someone got them to ask, "why don't that good stuff ever happen to me?", someone made them realize that it could and someone taught them that it never comes to the corner, looking for have to go where it is and work for it.
These "someone"s" were usually directly or associatively connected to the "Uncle Toms", who were giving back more than the "gimme's" realized. The "Gimme's" started moving "in", but their aim was not to assimilate and fit in, but to conduct surveilence and take over. They still had not evolved beyond the initial luring principals of "meet them on their own level, to get their attention". They had been told that they "could" do more with their lives, then too prematurely, in many cases, ran off and didn't wait for the "how to" course.
They ran off half cocked, arrogant, rebellious, beligerant and bewieldered, full of militant, elitism and darn near civil warring determination. They were a disaster, looking for a place to happen because they were determined to "GET OVER ON SOCIETY", not "JOIN IN AND BE A GENUINE MEMBER OF SOCIETY".
I heard a young black man, discussing his new friendship, with a white student state, "yeah, it was fun, it was different, they do alot of really different things for fun". He may have initiated the friendship as a means of "using" this student, but it seemed that the friendship was possibly a "jus' got lucky" situation that was opening his eyes to "sincerity, and appreciation" of the acceptance and non-prejudice way HE was being welcomed and treated, and had never acknowledged it before. His friend was genuine...NOT trying to "Get Over". I am sure his life path will be upward and quite successful.
But he is not in the majority of "hoodies make good" list. Unfortunately, there is at least one corrupt "gimme" employee in every single office and every single resturant, kitchen, medical institution, bank government office, factory, retail outlet and every other business not mentioned, including 3rd shift cleaning crews and security guards, who have keys to all locked areas and inventories. And by now, they are not all black, but many are employed by blacks, who instruct them on what trespass to focus on, for the benefit of "the group", that they give more loyality and obediance to, than they give their paying employer.
Many do wonderful jobs, are usually very competent in their performance, report loads of gossip and rule-breaking tattles to their supervisors, as well as fabrications of how "someone else" does not do as good a job as "they" do and "they are the only ones who can be trusted, by the supervisor. Meanwhile, "they" are often times the ones standing around, having gossip sessions or socializing while everyone else does the work, including theirs.
They are the "Gimme" militant avengers who, with their prejudice mind or their paid validation of the right to sabotage their employer, will receive a phone call, from a neighborhood manager and lie, steal, sabotage or vandalize anything they are ordered to do.
These "Gimme" groups were not a problem, until they merged with a white profiteering, criminal group, who hired them to assist in running businesses, that the group wanted to put into bankruptcy, or buy cheaP. they accepted the side-jobs employment and as natural entrepreneurs, soon decided that they could run this scam themselves.
They started pulling a few businesses and properties, previously owned by whites, who's lives they destroyed, and pulled them off to the side, for themselves to scam at full profit and sole benefit.
They now hired several different groups, including poor whites and some black out-siders, from their neighborhood, and even began recruiting some, to come in from other states, who later took the same confidence and broke off, forming their own corrupt business.
They liked destroying the lives of the whites, and now they loked being the "masters" and employers of the whites. It fit perfectly into their prejudiced mind-processing. What they did not realize, was that other white employers, who had by now, hired their initial white employers, who were being used by this higher level of organized crime, as a cover-up cushion, already knew of the black skimming.
The heirarchy decided to let it occur and then started hitting the skimmers with evidence and demands that they perform additional criminal acts, for the higher level directly, or face their initial employers, who would be enraged about news of the skimming.
And such is the situation, as it stands today. There is no end to this commentary, because it has not ended. There can be no ending until we once again "CREATE" an honorable Judicial System, that will enforce laws properly and put an end to the "LAWLESSNESS IN THE NO-MANS-LAND" called, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
These crimes, both blue collar and white collar are the "CRUX" of our current economical decline. As jobs are lost, and businesses are lost, there is no incom. When there is no income, citizens lean on State and Federal funds to survive. When citizens are dependant on Government income, they are depleting Government treasuries and are not paying taxes to refill those treasuries.(PART 3 - THE END)
What will possibly correct the down-hill rolling of our countries economy? Only the immediate halting of its sabotage through corruption and corporate inappropriate disbursements of income.
We hear, everyday of unemployment figures in the 4 and 5 percent bracket. Who are they kidding? They only count the people currently receiving unemployment compensation. What about the 24,000 to 48,000 that Pennsylvania alone, illegally rejects benefits to per month. What about the ones already rejected, who have given up and are picking up occassional income, under the table, from the sabotagers.
Number one priority is not to reduce taxes to business. Businesses can afford to pay the taxes, in normal percentage proportion to income, if they are getting the income. Their problem lies in the fact that their customers are either out of business or out of work and do not have spendable liquid cash available. Thus, their income is reduced and they want to make up the loss by holding on to the cash, that they are obligated to turn over as taxes, to increase their liquid capital available.
This is not a long-term solution. The nation, as a whole, needs to focus on increasing income to the "MASSES", not the "MESSES". Bailing out poorly run businesses who will brush themselves off and return to the same "imbecile philosophies and practices", will only stall further downrolling and repeated need for bail-out in 1-3 months.
This nation MUST return to honorable CAPITALISM, that forbids monopolies, aggressive seizures, dishonest reporting of income and expenses and discourages poverty level income disbursment, to employees and shareholders and inappropriately huge income dispursements to CEO'S.
We need immediate efforts initiated to develope employee-owned industry set up, by the government, out of vacant industrial complexes that have shut down. Employee owned industry receives loyality and honesty in its focus, function and endeavor, that hired help, receiving poverty income, will never contribute.
There is no reason for local politicians to be soliciting out-of state industry to consider moving here, when we already have everything we need to pump up the State income and the "Quality of Life" of the experienced citizens, who used to run these vacant industries, but never got credit or fair payment for their contribution and expertise.
What will possibly correct the down-hill rolling of our countries economy? Only the immediate halting of its sabotage through corruption and corporate inappropriate disbursements of income.
We hear, everyday of unemployment figures in the 4 and 5 percent bracket. Who are they kidding? They only count the people currently receiving unemployment compensation. What about the 24,000 to 48,000 that Pennsylvania alone, illegally rejects benefits to per month. What about the ones already rejected, who have given up and are picking up occassional income, under the table, from the sabotagers.
Number one priority is not to reduce taxes to business. Businesses can afford to pay the taxes, in normal percentage proportion to income, if they are getting the income. Their problem lies in the fact that their customers are either out of business or out of work and do not have spendable liquid cash available. Thus, their income is reduced and they want to make up the loss by holding on to the cash, that they are obligated to turn over as taxes, to increase their liquid capital available.
This is not a long-term solution. The nation, as a whole, needs to focus on increasing income to the "MASSES", not the "MESSES". Bailing out poorly run businesses who will brush themselves off and return to the same "imbecile philosophies and practices", will only stall further downrolling and repeated need for bail-out in 1-3 months.
This nation MUST return to honorable CAPITALISM, that forbids monopolies, aggressive seizures, dishonest reporting of income and expenses and discourages poverty level income disbursment, to employees and shareholders and inappropriately huge income dispursements to CEO'S.
We need immediate efforts initiated to develope employee-owned industry set up, by the government, out of vacant industrial complexes that have shut down. Employee owned industry receives loyality and honesty in its focus, function and endeavor, that hired help, receiving poverty income, will never contribute.
There is no reason for local politicians to be soliciting out-of state industry to consider moving here, when we already have everything we need to pump up the State income and the "Quality of Life" of the experienced citizens, who used to run these vacant industries, but never got credit or fair payment for their contribution and expertise.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Pittsburgh Port Authority, “Corrupt” Bus Drivers, Assisting Criminals With Citizen Abuse And “Criminalization”I have had an excessive number of reasons to write complaints of abuse and foul treatment to the administrative and executive management of Pittsburgh Port Authority Transit Co. Copies of some examples will be posted for public awareness of these abuses.
My concern is becoming much more than annoyance, as their tactics become much more predatory and harmful to personal health and general well being.I am talking about the on-going efforts, of some criminal cooperatives, to assist in the pulling down and destroying of health, reputation and freedom of honorable U.S. Citizens’ lives.
The major motivating factor, seems to be, the stealing and selling of the “U.S. Citizen” identities, of their victims. It has been primarily a black movement of a neo-cottage industry of crime, but has recently been enacted by whites, recruited by blacks to cover the black initialization, of the criminal activity.
Again, it is only one avenue of the criminal activity occurring, in the U.S. to progress to the full extent of the plan, which I believe, is to totally break down our economy, our Judicial System and our Democracy.
Evidences of these results are already clear enough, that the U.S. Government can no longer even deny their existence.What they DO still deny, is that it is being accomplished, by U.S. Citizens, attempting to seize the U.S. Government, for what they have been dishonestly lead to believe, will be a fully free Democracy that will be totally controlled, managed and operated, for the full benefit and dispersement of all opportunity to Black Americans.
This is not such a bad idea…..if you are black.
But a contradiction of term arises with the word “Democracy” where only blacks are intended to enjoy the freedoms.What they are actually accomplishing, in their endeavors to “Take Control”, is a consistently progressing break down, of the existence of “Democracy”, by violating the Constitutional Rights, the Human Rights and the Civil rights of every “Victim” they attack, whether the attack is with their usual mode of slander, false witnessing, accusations of technological associations and activities, of a criminal and genocidal nature, which uses excessive electrical technology, in an illegal predatory and dangerous manner toward humans, or their trespassing into the illegal experimentation of others, and combining the harmful effects of both those illegal technological experimentations and assailings, with their own and compounding the harmful results on the “Victims” identified and stalked or “tracked” by this virtual technology.
They are, in effect, murdering these “Victims”. How “Democratic” is that ?
What the HECK ? ……….What is she talking about ?..........Where does she get these ideas ? …….
1. My body contains damage and scars from these “virtual” attacks and experimentation.
2. I have read articles, in journals of scientific experimentation and research, that coincidentally correspond with my physical and environmental experiences conditions and damages.
3. I have listened to black conversations, witnessed black patterns of activity and suffered social and physical injury from these attacks.
4. My “Honorable Citizen” record now contains pleas and appeals, to the Judicial Courts, for assistance in averting additional repercussions of “Victimization”.
I could go on and on with more “NON-Delusional” examples, but why bother? My personal case is only one example of a global threat and active aggression, that IS IN ACTION, against millions of global citizens especially in the U.S., at this moment, and is of far more priority than my personal loss of health, right to exist and right to pursue happiness.
To return to the problem of “Victims” being murdered…..Let me give a short modus operandi of the activities that identify a classical “Victim” patternization of activity.My most recent has been from the Pittsburgh Port Authority Transit Co., and I will relate the details of that, after a brief background education to those having this situation revealed to them, for the first time.
In a “nut” shell, I call it that because we have over a million “NUT CASES”, both black and white, running around the U.S., actively taking part in the “criminal activity” and not fully understanding where it is all intended to lead, but are convinced that they must stay on the “Band Wagon”, or get lost as one of the “Victims”.
Or, they foolishly, have bought the lure of recruiters, and believe the false promise that it will lead to a “Black Controlled American Democracy”.
Or, they don’t give a hoot about the politics, of the situation and are just running on “MILITANT HATRED” and have found an excuse to both profit and hold their inhuman attitudes as valid.
There are other motivating factors, but this is not the textbook I need to write on:
“Global Psychological Warfare With Aggressive Technological 'Scense-Surround' Influencial Convincement Of Terrorization- Predisposing Complete Government Seizure And Enslavement Of Citizens "
(to be cont’d – by Dawn Naret’)
Posted by DAWN NARET' at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Pittsburgh Port Authority, “Corrupt” Bus Drivers, Assisting Criminals With Citizen Abuse And “Criminalization”I have had an excessive number of reasons to write complaints of abuse and foul treatment to the administrative and executive management of Pittsburgh Port Authority Transit Co. Copies of some examples will be posted for public awareness of these abuses.
My concern is becoming much more than annoyance, as their tactics become much more predatory and harmful to personal health and general well being.I am talking about the on-going efforts, of some criminal cooperatives, to assist in the pulling down and destroying of health, reputation and freedom of honorable U.S. Citizens’ lives.
The major motivating factor, seems to be, the stealing and selling of the “U.S. Citizen” identities, of their victims. It has been primarily a black movement of a neo-cottage industry of crime, but has recently been enacted by whites, recruited by blacks to cover the black initialization, of the criminal activity.
Again, it is only one avenue of the criminal activity occurring, in the U.S. to progress to the full extent of the plan, which I believe, is to totally break down our economy, our Judicial System and our Democracy.
Evidences of these results are already clear enough, that the U.S. Government can no longer even deny their existence.What they DO still deny, is that it is being accomplished, by U.S. Citizens, attempting to seize the U.S. Government, for what they have been dishonestly lead to believe, will be a fully free Democracy that will be totally controlled, managed and operated, for the full benefit and dispersement of all opportunity to Black Americans.
This is not such a bad idea…..if you are black.
But a contradiction of term arises with the word “Democracy” where only blacks are intended to enjoy the freedoms.What they are actually accomplishing, in their endeavors to “Take Control”, is a consistently progressing break down, of the existence of “Democracy”, by violating the Constitutional Rights, the Human Rights and the Civil rights of every “Victim” they attack, whether the attack is with their usual mode of slander, false witnessing, accusations of technological associations and activities, of a criminal and genocidal nature, which uses excessive electrical technology, in an illegal predatory and dangerous manner toward humans, or their trespassing into the illegal experimentation of others, and combining the harmful effects of both those illegal technological experimentations and assailings, with their own and compounding the harmful results on the “Victims” identified and stalked or “tracked” by this virtual technology.
They are, in effect, murdering these “Victims”. How “Democratic” is that ?
What the HECK ? ……….What is she talking about ?..........Where does she get these ideas ? …….
1. My body contains damage and scars from these “virtual” attacks and experimentation.
2. I have read articles, in journals of scientific experimentation and research, that coincidentally correspond with my physical and environmental experiences conditions and damages.
3. I have listened to black conversations, witnessed black patterns of activity and suffered social and physical injury from these attacks.
4. My “Honorable Citizen” record now contains pleas and appeals, to the Judicial Courts, for assistance in averting additional repercussions of “Victimization”.
I could go on and on with more “NON-Delusional” examples, but why bother? My personal case is only one example of a global threat and active aggression, that IS IN ACTION, against millions of global citizens especially in the U.S., at this moment, and is of far more priority than my personal loss of health, right to exist and right to pursue happiness.
To return to the problem of “Victims” being murdered…..Let me give a short modus operandi of the activities that identify a classical “Victim” patternization of activity.My most recent has been from the Pittsburgh Port Authority Transit Co., and I will relate the details of that, after a brief background education to those having this situation revealed to them, for the first time.
In a “nut” shell, I call it that because we have over a million “NUT CASES”, both black and white, running around the U.S., actively taking part in the “criminal activity” and not fully understanding where it is all intended to lead, but are convinced that they must stay on the “Band Wagon”, or get lost as one of the “Victims”.
Or, they foolishly, have bought the lure of recruiters, and believe the false promise that it will lead to a “Black Controlled American Democracy”.
Or, they don’t give a hoot about the politics, of the situation and are just running on “MILITANT HATRED” and have found an excuse to both profit and hold their inhuman attitudes as valid.
There are other motivating factors, but this is not the textbook I need to write on:
“Global Psychological Warfare With Aggressive Technological 'Scense-Surround' Influencial Convincement Of Terrorization- Predisposing Complete Government Seizure And Enslavement Of Citizens "
(to be cont’d – by Dawn Naret’)
Posted by DAWN NARET' at 8:41 AM 0 comments
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